NORML Breaking News: Marijuana Legalization Bills Introduced In Massachusetts!


Well-Known Member
One word: YES
One thought: Legalization nation-wide? I give the majority of states 10 years until it's legal. Anyone else agree? Mass of all states is going through with it, this is ridiculous.


California’s highly publicized effort to legalize the commercial cultivation and sale of cannabis is getting some well-deserved company! A pair of bills — House Bill 2929 and Senate Bill 1801 — seeking to “tax and regulate the cannabis industry” have just been introduced in the Massachusetts legislature.
These proposals seek to legally regulate the commercial production and distribution of marijuana for adults over 21 years of age. Like California’s proposal, they would impose licensing requirements and excise taxes on the retail sale of cannabis. By some estimates, these taxes could raise nearly $100 million in annual state revenue.
Adults who possess or grow marijuana for personal use, or who engage in the non-profit transfer of cannabis, would not be subject to taxation under the law.
You can read more about these bills at the new website: If you live in Massachusetts, we urge you to write your elected officials in support of H. 2929 and S. 1801 by going here.
“Decades of whispered grumblings about the wisdom and efficacy of prohibition is rapidly giving way to a serious—really serious public discussion about how to replace it,” said former NORML Board Member Richard Evans, who assisted in drafting the landmark legislation. “Those who consider themselves leaders in government and the media have the obligation to either show how prohibition can be made to work, or join in the exploration of alternatives.”
We can’t think of a better place to begin this discussion on the east coast than Massachusetts, where last November 65 percent of voters endorsed a statewide initiative reclassifying marijuana possession as a fine-only offense under state law. Will a majority of Bay State voters also support legalization? We may soon find out!



Well-Known Member
Wow great news! Hopefully if you guys start legalizing, ill start to see a change in law up here in canada.


Well-Known Member
this is so badass, I see a true light at the end of the tunnel now, more than ever before.


Well-Known Member
It's a VERY BIG step in the right direction if you ask me, VERY BIG! If 65% of voters there thought that it wasn't a bad enough thing for real jailtime and went for the lesser of the two punishments, chances are at least 50% of them have no problem with it at all... just the way I see it.


Well-Known Member
great news people :) ... com'on Indiana... we gota step it up !

agree with you ketsup... 10 years it'll be legalized/decriminalized


Well-Known Member
This most likely wont pass... but, thats not the point, ive already talked with some congressmen and they say it passing is not the big thing, but the fact that it will give a precedence in future legislative sessions and in other states as well, and opens the groundwork for real legislative discussion. I think we will start seeing much more talk about this is the coming 3-4 years in many more states.


Well-Known Member
Damn our laws suck, here in the UK they recently moved it back from a class C drug to a class B making punishments more severe if your caught with it.
Its about time our politicians woke up and realised how much tax revenue they could make from it.


Well-Known Member

Holy shit, I thought this day would never come! Finally, living in Mass will have some benefits! Hopefully this will pass, I thought Mass would be the last state to try and pass this bill.

So far only Cali and Mass are going to try and pass this bill right?

When will it be voted on?