north carolina info


Well-Known Member
havent grown in 19 years and i never ever heard of all the seed types i read question is n.c. can a person posess a pot seed or is that against the law does one aquire specialty seed to fasinated with the small growing outside plants.also the faster growing varities.come on carolina me out!


Well-Known Member
seeds are illegal, any part of the plant is illegal, and that includes seeds
now getting major legal grief for a few seeds? probably not, NC seems like it might change its MJ laws sometime soon(maybe)
seeds not a problem, growing a plant is the risk


Well-Known Member
ok then--i need a someone and do a good deed for an old man --i need 2 or 3 seed of something to play with hehe thanks for reply----i do have local seed but not much good comes from 80.00 oz smoke not to much to it here!


Active Member
You would be surprised how good a properly cared for plant can be, even from schwag bag seed.


Well-Known Member
2 weeks in now smallhair balls everywhere -skinny leaf 1 plant 4 or so foot 2 weeks in now grew by accident was burning one while gardening found a seed in bag and stck it in the ground ----3 months later here we are