Northern lights by sonomaseeds

IMG_20190809_004329-1.jpg IMG_20190809_004322.jpg hello i have 2 northern lights autoflowers i am growing them outdoors and i am wondering whats up with the flowering cycle on these girls i was told that thwy would have 3-4 weeks of veg but these girls havent showed any signs of pre flower and they are already on week 7 from seed... I am wondering if its due to them being outside and if maybe they will flower after getting less light or maybe they just havent gotten mature enough yet the package says 9-11 week flower time so i have been under the impression that its 3-4 weeks veg plus the 9-11 weeks of flower but if im already at week 7 of vegging from seed could this just be the phenos or could i have a super auto strain or something again i got them from sonomaseeds thet sell a lot of autoflower varities and eaxh plant i popped seemed to be differwnt slightly the first one had great light and didnt stretch much at all it stayed shorter up until now and it widened out its the one in the square pot the you can barely see now.The other one in the circle pot has the same width stock but has barley put out side braches i mean i would like it to have a decent amount of bud but at the same time i live somewhere that snowfall can happen for the first time in october so just dont want them going too long ive attached pictures any info is helpful thanks fellow growers if anyone would like to see follow up pictures just let me know ill be sure to post more and even the harvest this is also my first grow.
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They look good and healthy. If they are outdoors just let them go... Even if they aren't autos, they should start flowering soon... It's that time of year.
Alright sweet thanks man i apreciate the help ive done the research and for my area around mid september to end of september the ones behind the autos should start flowering and i emailed sonomaseeds customer support and they said if the seed was produced with not enough ruederalis genes in it then it will act like a photoperiod plant and flower acordingly.