northernlights x buddha 6weeks into bloom problem

Hi, heres the deal, northern lights x buddha, 6weeks into bloom, grown under 400w mh for veg, and 400w hps for bloom, used dutch nutrient formula grow a and b, for veg and am using dutch nutrient formula bloom for flower, been giving 2.5ml per liter of water of a and b bloom which is half of the recommended amount. been doing this for about a week, every other watering, i water every 2 days. and am giving 8ml of budxl with nutes, which is 3/4 of recommended amount, before this was giving 1/4 nutes, and 1/2 budxl, every other watering, watering every 2days. plants are in 10" pots, promix bx for medium, soiless. 4x4x6 room polyfilm, 200cfm inline fan, vent for air to come in 16" oscillating fan, temps are about 27-30c at lights, and 23-25c dark, humidity between 40-50 percent. dont know what ph is never did test it. Thats about all i can think of, so what could be wrong with my plants, why are the leaves like this?


thank you for your quick response, so would i up my nutes?, so how do i decrease p while increasing n and how would i go about correcting this problem?


i assume by dutch nutes you mean Dutch Master? Have you added any "add.27" it is supposed to make the plant take up the nutes. Also silica is an important part of this nute formula, fuckin expensive but a good nute set up.
no i meant dutch nutrient formula, dnf. Also after carefully examining the problem solving chart, it looks like it may be a mg def problem, guess i will try adding the epsom salts to the water to see if that helps or would a good flush, followed by nutrients on the next watering be ok.
dont know if this will help, but heres whats in my bloom nutes that iam using:

bloom A
cano3-calcium nitrate.....5.9%
kno3-potassium nitrate....2.53%
khno-not sure.....0.68%
iron chelate.....0.043%
nitric acid.....0.20%

bloom b
kno3-potassium nitrate....2.53%
mgso3-magnesium sulfite....1.23%
mgno3-magnesium nitrate....1.48%
phosphoric acid....1.18%
mnso4-Manganese Sulfate....0.0169%
znso3-zinc sulfate....0.0058%
cuso3-copper sulfate....0.0012%
namo-not sure....0.0012%


Well-Known Member
dont know if this will help, but heres whats in my bloom nutes that iam using:

bloom A
cano3-calcium nitrate.....5.9%
kno3-potassium nitrate....2.53%
khno-not sure.....0.68%
iron chelate.....0.043%
nitric acid.....0.20%

bloom b
kno3-potassium nitrate....2.53%
mgso3-magnesium sulfite....1.23%
mgno3-magnesium nitrate....1.48%
phosphoric acid....1.18%
mnso4-Manganese Sulfate....0.0169%
znso3-zinc sulfate....0.0058%
cuso3-copper sulfate....0.0012%
namo-not sure....0.0012%
That's a totally different analysis that what I was looking at. According to that there is no N at all. There's part of your problem