NorthWest Hallucinogens


Active Member
My name is Levi, im from northern seattle, and im twenty one years old! I have two other similar minded roomates, of the same age.

I have personally been very involved with hallucinatory substances, mostly in researching the origins of its ancient history, but also, trying and reviewing the substances.

But, that is my hobby. Before all this, I built houses. It was hard and unsafe and I didnt get paid much, but I learned anough to go on to become a journeyman carpenter at the age of 19. Shortly before my first year on the job, I fell and injured my back, pelvis, and hip. You can probably imagine my back was pretty f*ed in the first place... :-?

So, Long story short, I got addicted to my crappy narcotics the doctors were giving me, got sick of it and cold-turkey'ed them, and tried finding another way to dull the everyday pains that accompany being a human being. I found a couple good ones, too. The biggest one was doing proper stretching methods and all that good stuff, and chronic.

Sadly, when I presented my papers for the doctor to sign to allow me to go to meetings, I was pretty much laughed out of every office I went to, probably due to misinformation and non-existent education.

However, I have helped on many different large scale grow ops before, and love the entire aspect of marijuana. So, I am hoping on gaining knowledge here, and maybe one day things will change and I can actually grow my own!

thanks for reading my crappy story!



anyone diggin WAW right now?