Not an autoflower


Well-Known Member
Hi I'm currently growing a Doctor Feel good Short Stuff. It was supposed to be an autoflower but after 5 weeks there was no pre- flowering. I decided it must be a photo ( I have never tried growing any photo strains)So I went 12\12 around 1 week ago.Do you think it looks OK???Was hoping it was an autoflower as stated ready in 9weeks but Shit happens!!Any input would be well appreciated..


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Looks like it is flowering, I have grown short stuff autos and they always flowered quickly. With auto varieties the flowering time varies some take as long as it says on the breeders site but they can take much longer. I am growing a northern lights x big bud auto and it is taking way longer than the 30 I have grown before.
Mines wouldn't flower but it is now after switching to 12\12, that PIC is a few days old.Was wanting to keep it on 18\6 but there was no joy so had to flip it.Pity tho as have an autoflower on the go amaranta dwarf & it be losing out on 6 hours daily..
I'm new to growing,only tried twice in small grow tent.Patience is a must eh but can be a pain in the ass & time seems to go slowly!!