Not cal mag. Rust fungus?


Well-Known Member
Lock out?(my ph meter broke :() What is your take...

i had some problems with fungus gnats but had been giving it mosquito dunk water and food for the past 4 weeks, my feeding schedule is fine food, water, food, water/calmag, food... Etc



Well-Known Member
The shiny stuff is spray pure 3way so its not part of the problem.... Im going to up the cal mag dosage, maybe its that but ive been giving it cal mag routinely


Well-Known Member
IMO- it does look like a Calcium issue. Just how the edges of your leafs look.
Your fungus gnats will only go after your root system, they like to be where the moisture is at.
There little maggots live in your medium. sometimes eating your roots if there isn't any food in the growing medium.

Good Luck on Your Grow.


Well-Known Member
IMO- it does look like a Calcium issue. Just how the edges of your leafs look.
Your fungus gnats will only go after your root system, they like to be where the moisture is at.
There little maggots live in your medium. sometimes eating your roots if there isn't any food in the growing medium.

Good Luck on Your Grow.

thanks for your input, im going to up the doseage and see what happens. Im hoping its not rust fungus as all my plants seem to be developing it. Ill up the dosage to 2 tsp per gallon an see