Not enough nutes?? Help



She is looking really strange. I dont even know what to think anymore. Soil mix is nuteless and I water it like over 2 days and every 3rd time with nutes. Remaining water can flow thru and lighting is 4x20w cfl lights, total of 80W real and 400w equal.
I need some advice what to do. Strange is that even if leaves are just appearing, there is a little brown spot on them. look at the pictures.


Also She is replanted about 5 days ago, she recovered but there could be some root damage, could it be due this?



Well-Known Member
stop feeding........flush with water. check ph. looks like too much nutrition/burn. but ph is always where you should start.


I am using a mix of BioCanna Vega, N 3.5%, P2O3 1.0%, K2O 5.5% and also contains B, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn, Fe. 20ml concentrate for 10L of water, 1:500 mix. That is said on the bottle. Right now I am using about half of what the bottle says.
I think its not because of nutes but I dont know either.. Im using a soil made of peat, vermiculite and perlite. 1/3 each in the mix.
And sorry I sont know whats geno and what is heavy mag-eater.. :mrgreen:


Didnt know that I should add some lime. So what should be the solution for me to get a healthy plant afterall?


Well-Known Member
New growth looks really good. You didnt happen to splash some/or those leaves spend anytime in contact with some nutrient(fertigation)water did they? You just repotted so I wouldnt go chasing a thing by the looks of the new growth. Maybe just cut your nutes in half and continue as you have been for a week or so to see how things looks. The new growth is were you want to pay the most attention....


Yes, I understand that. But take a closer look to the new growing leaves. You see a little brown spot there..
I made a red circle around the spot that I am worried about. And no the leaves does not have had any contact with nutwater or smth.


Well-Known Member
I see what your talking about and still think you should just chill a bit on the nutes for a week or so and let it get use too its new home before jumping to any conclusions or taking any drastic measures. MJ is a tough plant that is much more patient and forgiving than most growers...give it a few days.....


Well-Known Member
This is not looking good bro, I would give them a complete flush (ph'd water) and do not water them again until the pot is almost dry. Do not use any nutes for now, she will be fine without the nutes.



Well-Known Member
Yes, I understand that. But take a closer look to the new growing leaves. You see a little brown spot there..
I made a red circle around the spot that I am worried about. And no the leaves does not have had any contact with nutwater or smth.
View attachment 1986267
I agree, that brown spot on the new growth is not a good sign!


Well-Known Member

She is looking really strange. I dont even know what to think anymore.
Soil mix is nuteless
and I water it like over 2 days and every 3rd time with nutes. Remaining water can flow thru and lighting is 4x20w cfl lights, total of 80W real and 400w equal.
I need some advice what to do. Strange is that even if leaves are just appearing, there is a little brown spot on them. look at the pictures.

View attachment 1986099View attachment 1986100

Also She is replanted about 5 days ago, she recovered but there could be some root damage, could it be due this?

Get better soil next time.


Well-Known Member
Not looking all that bad either....still looks ok too me...
Ha, I guess we need to know the definition of the words 'looks ok to me'
I'm just messing around, but honestly, in my book 'looks ok to me' is reserved for plants that do not show clear signs of root issues.


Well-Known Member
If your getting a soilless mix ever again, I suggest sunshine #4. Already has dolomite like mixed in. Works great for me.


What soil mix I should use next time?
These little bronw leaf tips still makes me worried. They are on new growing leaves..

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
What soil mix I should use next time?
These little bronw leaf tips still makes me worried. They are on new growing leaves..
...the seeds need to be started in a mix that has little to no nutrience....use Promix, Sunshine mix, or Light Warrior...I like to use really small 1"x1" square cube trays for seeds/seedlings like this seeds.jpg

...once your seeds are sprouted like the pic above, I like to transplant into a one gallon pot of some high quality soil such as Fox Farm Ocean Forest, Roots Organics, exc...
...once in the 1 gal pot, you'll not need to do anything but water for 3-4 that point, you can simply transplant into a larger pot (say a 2 gallon) of your quality soil, where it again will be happy for 3-4 more weeks giving water that point, transplant again into a larger pot (say a 3 gallon) of your quality soil, water only for 3-4 more weeks....continue this cycle, it can be that simple.