not getting high


Active Member
does anyone feel like they just dont get as high as they used to. i remember when i first started just a little pot was such an intense high i didnt like it at all.but now i would do naything for that intense of a high i just cant get it no matter how much i smoke does anyone have any methods to get more high or does anyone know what i should be smoking or maybe i just cant get good pot around here in Fresno i wish i could.


Well-Known Member
could be all the things you said. try a stronger strain. if you cannot get a stronger one, grow it. you might want to try ingesting it. make some cannabutter and cook something with it. for sure that will get you fucked up.


Well-Known Member
well this aint in what u wanted, but one time i snorted glass and i bled out of my nose like hell, but the high was "intense"


Well-Known Member
does anyone feel like they just dont get as high as they used to. i remember when i first started just a little pot was such an intense high i didnt like it at all.but now i would do naything for that intense of a high i just cant get it no matter how much i smoke does anyone have any methods to get more high or does anyone know what i should be smoking or maybe i just cant get good pot around here in Fresno i wish i could.

Its like any drug in life the more you take the more you need to get that high/buzz and im not just talking about illegal drugs

one time i snorted glass and i bled out of my nose like hell, but the high was "intense"

duh didnt you see/think that would happen...?


Well-Known Member
well this aint in what u wanted, but one time i snorted glass and i bled out of my nose like hell, but the high was "intense"

the reason the high was so good is because you were losing blood idiot. lol next time cut your wrists and I bet it will be the best buzz you ever had. j/k don't try is. you never know how gullable people are!


Well-Known Member
One of the very simple ways to make sure you get higher is to cut back on your consumption.....I know that no one wants to hear this, but it is a guaranteed means by which to get more profoundly stoned.
Here are some adjustments you could make to reach higher highs!

a) - smoke only in the evenings, after dinner or completion of any mandatory responsibilities, this means no more wake and bake or afternoon smoke breaks.

b)-Smoke only on weekends......this will get you more stoned than step a, if you have the discipline to actually do this.

c) - Quit, in totality, smoking any cannabis for one month minimum. When you fire up after this'll get even more stoned than in step b.

d)- shifting to ingesting cannabis...try eating cannabis as cookies or cannabutter laced recipes......caution is advised, as this can get some people "emergency room" stoned.

e)- Another practice which is effective for maximizing one's stoned gauge is having (growing many different strains of varied genetic backgrounds) lots of different types of buds available...thus creating great diversity of influences on your stoned quotient!

I would have to admit, having used all of the techniques above over the decades........
e) is my favorite, closely followed by d!



Well-Known Member
I have used c

- Quit, in totality, smoking any cannabis

For just over a year and am now going bk to it... Can wait few more days and I will be bk in my home town so I can pick up some nice bud :blsmoke: Coz I dont know anyone where I have moved to and dont want to as its been nice havein a clear head

Now I know that first joint is going to be so NICE..?


Yeah I didnt smoke for a good four years. The first time back to the chronic I had some lovely brownies.... Let me tell you, highest I have ever been bar none.


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me I cut back on the amount smoked, changed strains, changed delivery devices (pipe to bong). It helped.


Active Member
Even holding back a week or a little over two weeks ago I had a bowl of pot and a bowl of hash, and was pretty stoned...then yesterday I had 2 bowls of pot overall and was very quite was at night, so that helps too...but try some of this, it works!


Well-Known Member
I have kids so for me i have to wait till there down for the nite.... come 8 im climbing the walls, but its all worth it after that first hit of your own grow...peace and quite and a big fat spliff and its the same high as i spliff when i was i go with .A......WAKE AND BAKE I WISH...MERRY XMAS ONE AND ALL....


Active Member
trust me if you smoke kind bud then you will be highed up for sure
my advice would be to try exotic weed with flavor to it,gets me feeling good
every time!:blsmoke: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hi Allmeat.....thanks for your kind words...
I hope you and yours have the Merriest Christmas ever!
Peace, Bro.......:joint::mrgreen:



New Member
Wavels ... you da man, bro!

I always have at least four different strains at different levels of cure in the jars. Last night I took a few tokes of Cindy-99 to get things started, then I ate a quarter of a cookie that was made with God Bud and cannabutter. An hour later I was a really goofy person. *lol*


PS: That Cindy-99 is really great pot. I haven't smoked it in a long time. It gives a very up, energetic high. Almost too energetic where its kind of edgy. But ... great pot, none the less.

The Cindy-99 beans can be ordered from here: Green man's Seedbank Update

Look under Joey Weed's offerings. His AK-47 x Cindy-99 is great too.



Same problems, except last week ive been sick. the pot stopped any sinus headaches, but i havent been able to really feel high/stoned for a while. I'm starting to feel it more. but my problems have alot to do with the SHIT around here. Cant wait until harvest.


Well-Known Member
I just got back from mexico and hadnt smoked i a week. when I got home at 5 in the morning wich seemed like 7 because of the 2hour difrence I tried out the new bong I got and was soo high the walls cuved.
if u can handle it stop smoking for a week then on the last day stay up all night after all those hours hit a toke and let the magic seep in.


Well-Known Member
yeah i reckon it's all about moderation. its sorta like sex; if you have'nt done it in a while it's mind blowing. where as if you just did it that morning, it's not as good.

i reckon it's got something to do with what you actually do when you're high. try doing different stuff like going different places or creating stuff


Well-Known Member
Take a break dude. I had exams for the last week, so I haven't smoked for 3 weeks, and now that i'm done i'm smoking and it's getting me hiiiiiiiiigh!