One of the very simple ways to make sure you get higher is to cut back on your consumption.....I know that no one wants to hear this, but it is a guaranteed means by which to get more profoundly stoned.
Here are some adjustments you could make to reach higher highs!
a) - smoke only in the evenings, after dinner or completion of any mandatory responsibilities, this means no more wake and bake or afternoon smoke breaks.
b)-Smoke only on weekends......this will get you more stoned than step a, if you have the discipline to actually do this.
c) - Quit, in totality, smoking any cannabis for one month minimum. When you fire up after this'll get even more stoned than in step b.
d)- shifting to ingesting cannabis...try eating cannabis as cookies or cannabutter laced recipes......caution is advised, as this can get some people "emergency room" stoned.
e)- Another practice which is effective for maximizing one's stoned gauge is having (growing many different strains of varied genetic backgrounds) lots of different types of buds available...thus creating great diversity of influences on your stoned quotient!
I would have to admit, having used all of the techniques above over the decades........
e) is my favorite, closely followed by d!