Not looking good, some advice


ok so have flushed and the plant looks like its on deaths door step, dont want to loose it, SHOULD I JUST CUT IT DOWN? its on 50th day flower, more then half pistils have turned. as this is my first grow id rather have some half good bud then all dead bud. Definitely in need of some advice.


Well-Known Member
W/out a pic its hard to say, but a lot of times the plant will look like hell just before the cut as nutes and energy are being pulled from leaves.. I'd wait... Luck.


think ill leave in dark for 48 then cut, have no experience in growing, my set up is kinda ghetto, have cruddy nutes bought from some stealth hydro site, and ive got a few new little buddies started already. there are no fan leaves, the necrotic spots have started hitting the buds. Probably good to get it chopped and trimmed before its dead.


one more question, the strain is a indica/sativa called amnesia lemon, it says it would be 20%thc, how much would the potency be affected if cut down a couple weeks early, would a good dry and cure help.


Well-Known Member
If the trichs aren't cloudy or amber yet the potency will be way down.... like a tomato... you can eat a green one..... but.....


k, thanks. so cloudy is good, i will check, if not will try and keep alive for another week or so. hopefully the trichs will be cloudy.