Not much secondary growth


Active Member
My plants have been transplanted outdoors now for about a month. They were started in a hydro flood and drain system with rockwool cubes, and were transplanted into soil with a mix of existing/potting soil, worm castings, blood and bone meal, and lime. I have not given them any other ferts in this time.
They are growing pretty tall. The largest is about 2 1/2 ft. the rest are about 2 ft. They are nice and green and healthy. The only problem is that there doesn't seem to be much secondary growth on the branches(not bushing out much) and the internodes seem fairly far apart.
I figure I have about 2-3 weeks more veg growth before nature takes it's course and they start flowering.
Am I under-ferting them...under-watering? I was thinking about topping them...Is this a good idea?
Sorry I got no pics but I'll try to get some up.


Well-Known Member
Thats what i'll be doing to my plants,I just put a few in the ground today i'll give em about a week then start tyin em down.good luck