Well-Known Member
....and with that I can say with absolute certainty that I am at a loss for words on this one. I do apologise if this post turns into a rant/longated paragraph, but I haven't a clue what I should do here. It starts out that back in July of '09 I was recruited into financial services, along the way I realised (or so I think) that this was my calling. I do understand how being a businessman/woman can have people see you in a whole different light. I never once thought there was much of an intimidation factor there, but boy o' boy was I wrong. I've only ever wanted to help people, sadly mentioning to people that it isn't about the money makes them go all squirrely (especially family). I do understand that there are other factors at play here too. I can definately see their true colors show when I mention it to them. Could it be jealousy??? I haven't clue, all I can say is there is a reason why I am still around. I mean it could be because of what I said to them (immediate family).....case in point.....a property that although has a massive price tag, I have the ability and the knowledge to achieve it. Problem is, I have gotten laughed at numberous times, and been told to "give up" that that phrase has pretty much lost its meaning now. I get the feeling that they (family) want me to throw in the towel , so that they can feel better about themselves. Never once did I think wearing a suit and tie was the plague lol.
Ahh hell, sorry for going on folks, chime in and give me your thoughts on this one.
Ahh hell, sorry for going on folks, chime in and give me your thoughts on this one.