Not smoking anything right now -_-


Active Member
Just thought I'd share my current situation and discuss.

So right now I am currently waiting for my boss to get back into town. He will be gone for a week. Why does this matter you ask?
So I am in line for a promotion at work (Who said stoners aren't productive?) and I am abstaining from smoking until I he tells me if I got it or not and I am waiting to see if they drug test for the promotion.
My work tested when I first got employed but I am not sure if they do for promotions so I am doing it as a precaution.

Anyways, I have a fat sack of Granddaddy Purp waiting in the meantime and I am sipping on some Jack and Coke.

So what are you guys smokin on and has anyone had a similar situation come up? :weed:
I work for myself these days so no pissing for anybody! I admire your desire to succeed. How does the GDP smoke when you can? I am smoking a couple of things but this Kandy Kush I have destroys me in the best of ways. Man it is good. It looks like some homeless people slept on it and smells a little like rotting meat but it absolutely stones me. Not what I would call functional :dunce:
Alas I am a poor college student. Hopefully one day I can be my own boss so to speak. The GDP is amazing. It is just sitting there waiting for me. It was surprisingly smooth. Last time I smoked it I was also cross faded so that was interesting. That has to be the most gnarly description of a smell I have ever heard but as long as it gets the job done :bigjoint:
You might want to look into the synthetic urine...Ive never failed a test useing it many times and no worrying about am I clean or not.Im smoking on some holy princess,its pretty good im likeing it.
Well I have some good news. I found out that there will not be a drug test so I am go to go! :bigjoint:I will let you know how it goes tomorrow. I plan on smoking at an all day concert festival tomorrow. Should be pretty interesting seeing as I haven't smoked in 3 weeks. It is going to be 117 degrees outside tomorrow so if I die and never post again that is what happened.