Not so stealth shipping ((Nirvana))

Portland Plant

Active Member
I got home today and checked the mail saw the package and opened it only to find a letter from US customes. I'm out 245.00 Now that sucks!!! This is the first time my order has every not arrived. Do i need to worry about any visitors if so i have alot of work to do so i would be very thankful for any information anyone has...........


Well-Known Member
Hey I am sorry man. From another man who did not get his beans, that sucks. However, I didn't order nearly the quantity you did. Sorry buddy


Well-Known Member
There is NO WAY I will order from outside the country. I'll grow both sexes if I have to in order to ensure I always have seeds. It can't be that hard to do, can it?

Out $245 fucking sucks ASS. :x

Portland Plant

Active Member
YES it sucks but I am more concerned about the unwanted visitors!!!!!!! Im sure i'm not the only person that has ordered beans and got a nasty gram from the fuzz. Please reply if you had the same thing happened and what followed......


Well-Known Member
^^^nothing happens all you get is a letter if its the first time(not personal experience). At least thats what everyone that gets caught says.


Well-Known Member
nobody coming to your house bro.they got your shit and thats it.this time try gypsy/nirvana.If they were coming to get you they wouldny give you that letter,they would of just picked you up.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Aw Dude - that sucks so bad! I don't have personal knowledge, but from what I've heard you don't have to worry about a knock on the door. But you should definately get a drop-ship address and never worry about this crap again...



Active Member
I'm just setting up and trying to get plants or seeds was like pulling teeth. CRAP! So i sent not as much as you Bro. but $60. anyway to BC hope to see them in the mail soon will keep one of the plants for the Mother and go from there

Portland Plant

Active Member
I would love to pick the way the beans get shipped but i have never seen that option available. I would pay to have them FedX'd. Do you know a bank that will let you pick how they get shipped????

Would i be better of to have them sent to a PO BOX????


Well-Known Member
I got home today and checked the mail saw the package and opened it only to find a letter from US customes. I'm out 245.00 Now that sucks!!! This is the first time my order has every not arrived. Do i need to worry about any visitors if so i have alot of work to do so i would be very thankful for any information anyone has...........
contact the company you ordered from. most times they will reship. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Geez!! I'm waiting on my seeds from nirvana right now man!! sorry that shit sucks brotha i spent about the same fucking ammount 250 n God! I hope my 60 seeds get here !! I dont want no fucking letter!

Portland Plant

Active Member
Seeds good letter bad. As simple as that! I will not be stoped I will order again but I don't think from the same company. There was a post earlier about Nirvana and alot of other people said they got the letter recently as well. I think the stealth shipping is no longer stealth. I will email the company in the morn and see if thay can do anything for me i have ordered from them many times before. If not it's time to find another bank :) ....


Well-Known Member
Dam that sucks!not getting seeds sucks
I must be so lucky in UK!
We can pick how we get ours from most seedbanks. But with most in UK seedbanks orders over £20 get sent recorded (signed for 2days max). Some places even do free shipment
I have personally sent seeds to the states and they have taken around 14 days. I cant see how it takes so long.