Not sure if deficient or nute burn? Lots of details inside


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I am working on a grow, and one of the plants appears to be struggling. Details below.

  • Dimensions: 2'x7'
  • Lighting: 620W T5 (flower spectrum), 220W full spectrum LED (110w at wall), and 90W red LED (45W at wall)
  • Temp/RH: 83F/38%
  • Medium: 5 gal. Black Gold soil, with lots of added perlite.
  • Nutrients: Used MOAB for first week of flower, 4 ML CalMag, 15 ML Terpinator every watering, and Mills Nutrients every other watering (light feeding according to schedule).
  • Appr. 3.5 weeks into flower
  • Strain: Strain of struggling plant unknown, I do know it is very sativa heavy, with appr. 10 week flower time. There are two different strains in the grow area, two of the plants are Cindarella's Dream, and two of the plants are the unknown sativa.
  • pH: Water is pH'd to 6-6.3
  • Air: There is a 4" hole w/ fan pulling air into the room from the bottom, and a fan pulling air through a carbon filter exhausting through the top of the room. CO2 is being supplemented with Exhale Homegrown CO2

The struggling plant (1) is showing signs of what appears to be nitrogen defficiency (yellowing older leaves), and magnesium or phosphorous (spotting on leaves). But the plant is also showing some burnt leaf tips, which I believe indicated nutrient burn? The photos are pretty high resolution, so you can zoom.

Additionally I have (2) a photo of its twin/clone sister who is sharing the grow room, and subjected to the same conditions, but looks much healthier. I should note that this plant is not subjected to any LED light, only T5.

Also, below (3) is a picture to give you an idea of the layout (I took down the LED lights to make it easier to see)

Should I up the nutrients for this particular plant? I am kind of at a loss, and hate to be struggling this early into flower.

Any other input is appreciated.

Thank you for the help!

1) Struggling Plant:

Lights Off:

2) Sister/Clone

3) Grow Space


Well-Known Member
I recommend just watering with proper ph'ed water one time then starting a 1/4th stregnth feeding. Your ph is wack so the nutrients arnt being available.

