Not sure; looking for help


Active Member
I was wondering if I could get some opinions? These are in Vortex potting soil under 250mh. Temp runs 80 with the light on, 77 with it off. Fertilizer Hasta Gro, and water ph 6.7-6.8. They've only been fertilized twice. Using light doses 1/4 strength. My original thought is a mg deficiency. They haven't dried out enough to water again, but next watering will be with 1/4 tsp Epsom salt. I was using tap water until I got out the pool test kit and checked chlorine and calcium content. Now using R/O. Perhaps the Cl and Ca have locked up the Mg? Can't really be seen in the picture but parts of the stems are red. The leaf burn looks like nute burn, but they really haven't been fertilized. Any thoughts?



New Member
NUTE BURN, flush and stop feeding they clearly cant handle it at this stage! Water with just water for a week and a half then try 1/8 strength nutes, every other watering, then 1/4, then 1/2 and so forth, but they clearly aren't ready now.

[EDIT] Stem color is a genetic thing, and has nothing to do with any deficiency.
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Well-Known Member
NUTE BURN, flush and stop feeding they clearly cant handle it at this stage! Water with just water for a week and a half then try 1/8 strength nutes, every other watering, then 1/4, then 1/2 and so forth, but they clearly aren't ready now.

[EDIT] Stem color is a genetic thing, and has nothing to do with any deficiency.
try again :mrgreen:

magnesium deficiency. feed with stronger nutes.

nute burn, jesus christ! people should be required to actually grow something before offering advice! :evil:


Active Member
try again :mrgreen:

magnesium deficiency. feed with stronger nutes.

nute burn, jesus christ! people should be required to actually grow something before offering advice! :evil:
I thought that might be the problem as they haven't been fertilized much; after reading about the interaction between cl/ca and mg. I know our water is hard. Never knew it would lock out other nutes. Thank you for your reply.