Not Sure Whats Wrong


Active Member
Hey guys am not sure whats wrong with this plant. I had 3 other seedlings just die slightly similar to what is currently happening in this one.
Thanks +Rep for any help!



Well-Known Member
They are way too wet for one it is possible that your roots aren't developed properly...make sure your soil and pot have good drainage, and then water less...much less...perhas even try to get some dry soil changed out with some of that wet...see the green on your is because everything is too wet.


Well-Known Member
nope it's over watering look at the algae growing on the perlite. it's probably a heavy mix needs more aeration


Active Member
I just watered it today. Last time I watered was probably 3-4 days ago but I have been foliage feeding quite often


Well id put them in some new soil, and let them dry out a bit... regrow some new roots, no doubt pick up just fine...


Well-Known Member
No you have to transplant(carefully they are already stressed) it to soil that has nutes, its starving(N Mg Ca etc), top dressing the shit soil with good soil wont dont it ,the roots want to grow down and sideways not up.Also what are the temps?


Well-Known Member
2 things kill babies...

too much water..and too much nutes..

at that size you should water every 5 days+

I just give a mister squirt at stem bottom every want roots to look for water..not sit in it..


Active Member
I've not started using nutes yet so it must be too much water. I've been foliar feeding too often. Am going to stop that and just not water until next week.
+Rep to all of you thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
water stress think of it like this if the plant is small it needs small amounts of everything ep. light... water... space...doing nothing in the garden is the hardest thing to master...remember the plant only weight a few grams and can't use all that water...good growing


Well-Known Member
You don't need to foliar feed/spray at all at seedling stage. Good soil will provide drainage but retain water for a few days. As someone else said, you want the roots to grow in search of water.


Active Member
KK thanks for the help guys. Like Icannabis said the hardest thing to master is doing nothing which is what I need to learn! +Rep to all of you!