Not to bad for a first-time grower chick!!


Well-Known Member
plants look nice and healthy! hope your planning to use more than that single floro to flower with!


Well-Known Member
Looking good grower chick. You might want to think about a 600w HPS for flowering though. A floro isn't going to give you the great colas you want.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^Like they said^^^^^ .....But Dam.... They be some healthy looking plants!!!! Put them under a 600 hps and you counld easily pull 250 - 350 g good bud!!!


Active Member
Welcome aboard T-13. I'm a first time grower too. SO MUCH valuable information to help a new grower. Click on the linkbelowto see what I put together in my first grow with the help of all these veteran growers!!. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Very nice looking grow. Doesn't matter your a chick, some of the best gardens are grown by women. Good luck with the rest of your grow.


Califoria orange/skunk #1 x Haze/skunk #1
NLA/skunk #1 x skunk #1
Hindu Kush/skunk #1

and thanks everyone....


Hey thanks, I have 2 T5's and i'm doing the 12 & 12 light thing now, and I believe i have all females! Not real sure what to do next but, i'm winging it. Any idea's?


Wow, you have some nice plants, I'm jealous. I'm planning on getting the 600w hps, just broke rite yet. Thanks for the post.......


Right now, and through out my grow I'm using Megafish from sweet garden organics, alittle miracle gro, and superthrive. Also, I'm using happy frog soil conditioner with bat guano.


Well-Known Member
where really depends where you are in the world, personally i just use my local hydro shop.... but thats not always a possibility, a common place for ppl to order from in the states seems to be htg supply


ok i'll check that out. I live in the white mountain area and in a two mile long town. It's an insanely small mormon community so resources are limited but i have the internet.