Not to sound weird... But I need some help

Hey RIUers, I just moved out here to CO and I am looking to start a grow. This is my first grow and everything and I am extremely nervous about the whole situation being that I am from a non mmj friendly state and havent ever grown before. I am located in Erie which is in Boulder County but I was hoping to make a friend who is an experienced grower and may be able to meet me at a coffee shop or something and I could ask some questions to. I am pretty worried about my success in this being I have not done it and I still haven't met a grower out here. I just want someone who I could ask some questions about the law and about the grow. I know it is very difficult to be successful the first time you do something new but it is especially difficult if you dont know anyone who has done it and been successful. I know this must seem kinda weird but hopefully someone here understands what I'm saying and will be willing to help me out. The forums help but nothing is the same as a real conversation. Just PM me if you want or you can post here and I will PM you.


Well-Known Member
Read, lots of good info on his site, no one is going to meet anyone that just pope up on a grow forum. You need to buy everything you will need, lights,nutes,soils or water? ppm meter,Ph meter, Ph up and down,fans,filter,duct work, how big of a grow ya want? first run ya should use bag seed o make sure you do not waste money on seeds. Lots of people have great luck on bag seed for first grows


New Member
I applaud your dedication, committment and willingness to learn. I am sure you have some very nice budz to look forward too. Please check the link on my signature. A lot of great info in video form designed to help 1st timers, from master growers. Since you are lucky enough to now live in a MMJ friendly state, I would suggest 1st and foremost getting your card and documents allowing the grow. 2nd go to a collective that sells clones, talk to the guys there, they will hopefully be experienced farmers and willing to help new patients grow their meds. Best of luck to you! +rep!


Well-Known Member
Wow... what's that smell? Smells like a pork product of some type. That's the impression that post gives, sorry. Like OHMY just said...if you cannot glean enough information off of THIS site, to get up and running and learn from your own are in for a rough ride. A 'new' forum member wanting to meet up with those who are 'experienced' sounds an awful lot like a typical POPO tactic, sorry.

Best way to learn....lurk, read, read some more to be sure to have the general flow for this site then ask away. As also stated, you should get the paperwork and documentation together for your red card, before you even start getting a grow going, or purchasing equipment. This state used to be very MMJ friendly but has taken a turn for the worse in the past couple of years, with regulations regulating regulations.


Well-Known Member
Wow... what's that smell? Smells like a pork product of some type. That's the impression that post gives, sorry. Like OHMY just said...if you cannot glean enough information off of THIS site, to get up and running and learn from your own are in for a rough ride. A 'new' forum member wanting to meet up with those who are 'experienced' sounds an awful lot like a typical POPO tactic, sorry.

Best way to learn....lurk, read, read some more to be sure to have the general flow for this site then ask away. As also stated, you should get the paperwork and documentation together for your red card, before you even start getting a grow going, or purchasing equipment. This state used to be very MMJ friendly but has taken a turn for the worse in the past couple of years, with regulations regulating regulations.
I understand your hesitation about a new person wanting to meet someone for advice but to what ends would the police try to do this? Its legal in this state, giving someone information about a legal activity cant really get you in trouble. You would think the police have better things to do.

I am the same way though, I learn better through doing and watching or talking to someone then reading it and trying it out which made it very difficult for me in your situation. BUT i did read, and learned, and read some more, and tried, and did, and failed, and learned from each experience till i finally made a little headway. There is no quick solution to what you want to happen. you cant just show up in a med state and hope your gonna grow tons of weed in your first attempt.
I appreciate the appreciation of wanting to learn and the advice given. As for me being popo, i figured that might sound like it.

I have a friend of a friend who is an experienced grower and wants $50/hr for his advice which I just kind of think is BS. I dont want to pay $50 every time I have a damn question. I guess I will just have to make a grow journal.


Well-Known Member
hey there welcome to the great state of colorado and dont pay to learn about growing marijuana some of the
best grow advice comes from old school growers and should be free ive been growing in soil for a long time now
im a legal colorado patient i think if you want to grow get your mmj license as the fees have drop by almost 1/3 with doc rec
and license fee your looking at paying around 70-90 dollars well pm message me im near boulder


Im very close to erie, if you still need help hit me up, but my comp is out for now so it will be a bit before i get back to you, but i will do what i can to help.


Well-Known Member
If you are looking for a good, easy way for a first time grow I recommend looking up Subcool's Super Soil. All of the amendments are in the soil and you literally just add water (and sugars if you like), so it is much easier then messing with nutrients and all that jazz (not that there is anything wrong with that). If you have questions feel free to PM me, I live in Boulder Country too. Free of charge of course. Welcome to Colorado!


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the appreciation of wanting to learn and the advice given. As for me being popo, i figured that might sound like it.

I have a friend of a friend who is an experienced grower and wants $50/hr for his advice which I just kind of think is BS. I dont want to pay $50 every time I have a damn question. I guess I will just have to make a grow journal.
I'm guessing at fidy bux an hour he doesn't get much business.


Well-Known Member
Why not just post your questions here? I'm close to Erie and wouldnt mind helping but I put nothing past cops these days, in their mind all grows are illegal.