nothing serious, but what you think?


New Member
those small damage leaves are turning into brown spots !!!! added some MagiCal hopefully that will help!!!!


Well-Known Member
ph or light problems... dunno. add more info for better responses. do you test your water or use distilled? is there a chance you could have too much light/heat for your plants?


New Member
There is a chance of too much light because it is a 1,000w in a small area.
pH 6.0, ~1200ppm,
heat is pretty good, I use a/c and exhaust cooltube so cool air is always coming in and hot going out. will raise the light.
using technaflora nutes, haven't changed the res in a grip but I been adding more water/nutes to it. girls were thirsty recently and drank from 1100ppm to 1300ppm I just diluted with a higher N to about 1200ppm + some magnesium and calcium so hopefully they will pick up some vertical growth.


New Member