Now,.....I'm Not One to Hate...


Well-Known Member
but I hate illegal aliens who think they should be treated as though they are not. They pay no taxes, but are allowed free healthcare, can get a driver's license and drive without insurance, claim children in other countries and get tax credits and refunds, etc.; AND they have the audacity to complain when they are called out. If I went to another country ILLEGALLY, I would expect nothing.

Woman deported after winning Arizona casino jackpot

Mirna Valenzuela took a trip to Tucson, Arizona’s Casino del Sol Resort with her daughter Zamira Osorio, and hit a $1200 jackpot win. But the lucky win turned unlucky very quickly when events led to Valenzuela’s deportation to Mexico. Federal law requires that winners of $1200 or more show identification for tax purposes. When Valenzuela presented her ID, casino officials suspected it was fraudulent, and called the tribal Pascua Yaqui police. After investigating they determined that the ID was valid, but that Valenzuela and her daughter were undocumented immigrants from Mexico. The mother and daughter were turned over to U.S. Border Patrol and arrested. Valenzuela was deported and Osorio was released under the DREAM act. Casino CEO, Wendell Long said, “We’re not here to deport people,” and that this is the first time since the casino’s 2001 opening that an incident of this type has occurred. Regardless, Zamira Osorio said that her family felt discriminated against and that Casino del Sol Resort should put up a sign that they don’t want illegal immigrants playing at their casino. While the situation is sad, Valenzuela is doing all right and her winnings are still at the casino, where she’ll have to claim them in person with a valid id.

Is it just me?
Its only fair that they be here legitamately to have the rights and privelages American citizens have,instead of the other way around where by default they get what so many taxpayers cant even afford,its screwy without a doubt.
just a prime example of entitlement...

reminds me of this all the time

illegal immigrants pay more in taxes than they get back out of the system, confirms every analysis ever.

not to mention the volume they add to local and state economies.

if illegal immigrants disappeared overnight, our nation would be hurting.

and no, they don't get free health care.