Nowhere to go


Active Member
Does anyone know of any good sites that sell cheap seal tight or smelly proof bags.

I dont wanna just give ppl buds without bag lol as it will stink there pocket out.

I have been told ak48 really smelly so really need these bags people.

Thanks very much.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
A quick google search turns up quite a few sites, but they aren't cheap. I would say that what other peoples pockets smell like is their responsibility, it's not like they'll be walking out of the house you're growing in is it?


Active Member
i suppose so but the last thing i need is to get busted selling weed and then my house gets raided and they find my plants.

i would rather just buy bags and be on the safe side.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i suppose so but the last thing i need is to get busted selling weed and then my house gets raided and they find my plants.

i would rather just buy bags and be on the safe side.

then don't sell weed. this is not a sales site,this is a grow site...


Well-Known Member
plastic doesn't hold smell, if you are growing sell it all to a middle man and let him take care of it, don't sell eighth's if you are growing...
Oh yeah, and don't count your chickens before they hatch


Well-Known Member
Dude you gotta get a middleman like the other guy said. A broker if you will that will buy it from you by the oz and that guy will resell it in a smaller quantity (1/8,1/4,1/2) and bag it up. Say someone buys an oz off of you and then they get busted. Now an oz isn't a gram of weed and cops know there has to be more sothe 16 year old says ok I'll tell you where I got it so I can walk free. Boom cops go to your home and set you up in a deal. After they arrest you for Intent to sell they will search your home and get you for cultivation. Now if you have a middle man he will get busted but guess what theirs no plants growing in his home so he gets the lesser charges. Think about what your doing cause a few months down the road you'll be in jail thinking abot this post that took me to long to type.


Well-Known Member
Im only growin 2 plants so dont expect much.

My girls i know its a grow site i aint tryin to sell nothin.
if your only growing 2 plants dont expect to smoke any if you want to sell.

i grow a dozen or so and cant afford to sell any for fear ill run out. not that id sell any anyway, shit grows on trees!