NPK Rate of Abosorption

I have been trying to find information for awhile on how fast nutrients are absorbed. I know different stages of the plant require different amounts of each (Higher N for veg, Higher k for flower) and different amounts of light and grow techniques will effect the rate. I was hoping that someone could give me some specific numbers. I am sure there is someone running a hydro system that has all that info recorded. I can do the math if anyone has raw data.



Well-Known Member
I know that cannibalism will eat most of the potassium and phosphorus within couple days.

The real answer is that the studies that would give that info are not out there yet.

We can only guess how fast and what nute the plant uses.

It's the reason why in hydro you change your rez every 7days.

After 7 days you really don't know what the npk ratio is anymore.