Nugbuckets HID(Organic): THC Bomb, Wappa, Trinity, White Gold


Well-Known Member

:leaf:Hello Everyone Happy New Year!:leaf:

Well, after my CFL grow, I told myself I wasn't going to journal anymore future grows....but you know how it goes, the need to show off such beauty can be overwhelming.

I gained a lot of knowledge with my last grow, but I think the most important being a deeper understanding of plant nutritional needs. Re-learning again, the importance of "less is best" when it comes to ferts...even all organic ferts. So without further ado.

Goal: Four plants, 2 oz. ea., 300 new beans, 3 new mamas, deeper understanding, more humility, ever growing gratitude towards the "ultimate" medicine.

Scene: CFL's for veg, 400W HPS , plus 150 watts worth of CFL's for flower.

Genetics: Wappa, Trinity, White Gold, THC Bomb (Trinity and Bomb from local cuttings, WG, and Wappa from Sensi or Paradise.)

Medium: A mix including the following...FFOF, Roots, perlite, castings, green sand, guano, kelp, and azomite.
3 gallon pots

Nutes: Fish emulsion, kelp juice, Peaceful Valley 1-5-5, Budswell guano, Big Bloom, superthrive, B-1, sucanat. (in no particular order)

Pest control: Neem oil treatment once a week through veg and first four weeks flower.

CO2: good old yeast and sugar.

Hope to have you along for the ride!
Peace and love, Nugs:leaf:

P.S. the THC Bomb hit the flower room two weeks earlier than the rest....this is her at one week flower.


Well-Known Member
thc bomb looks nuts brother quite the nute line up and quite the medium mix too,i will watch,whats your space


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, space is 3ft. by 3ft. Just enough for four plants. about 7,000 lumens per sq.ft.
And it seems like the nute line-up is excessive, but remember, I believe less is best, so I am just covering the bases to make sure their are no deficiencies. Peace. Nugs:leaf:


Well-Known Member
This is my GDP (Grand-Daddy Purps) breeder male. I only had one seed, and man, I was really hoping for a girl, but we will milk him for his sperm.


Well-Known Member
Alright, we are transplanted to 3 gal pots, a few CFL's were added for spectrum enhancement, and the scene is set.....wish us luck.....the little ones are American Dream, and Hollands Hope, Hash Plant, and Lowrider 2, sexing and selecting.
Peace Nugs:leaf:


Well-Known Member
My THC Bomb has to stop stretching! she is growing out of control, at 30 inches tall today, I had to re-tool my flower space and drop her down 8 inches, her sativa is really coming out.... hope I can keep her....Also, my Granddaddy Purps male went herm on me....I knew I saw pistils on her when she was little, thought I was going crazy when "she" grew nuts! So he/she hit the compost. So I am down to very handsome "American Dream", and "Hash Plant" males for new sperm. Also have some Lowryder 2 going, and may experiment with some "Rudie" crosses. Will take cuttings of the Wappa, and White Gold in a few days, to complete my mom stash. Tomorrow is photo day, and pollination day for the Bomb.:hump::leaf:Nugs


Well-Known Member
One week later, everything is looking fine, had to replace the THC Bomb with an American Dream. She was gaining over an inch per day 2 1/2 weeks into flowering, and simply got too tall..... would rather have an even canopy than to try an keep a lanky one.:leaf:Nugs


Well-Known Member
Third week flower, and they are looking pretty amazing, esp. the Wappa...she is my fave so far. I have about 1/2 my pollination done, and they are starting to push their trichs and throw their stink. five to six more weeks to go. Peace, Nugs:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I have made some adjustments to my medium and nute line up. I have been doing a lot of research on how organics and bio-dynamics work in creating a medium that is alive and a functioning organism in its own right, thus creating a symbionic relationship with the plant. I have added some more compost and mychorrizae inoculant to my soil. Ended up using 1/2 Roots, and half Just Right Extra as a base, then mixed a little more guano and perlite. I have also discovered that my well water was really, really hard, and was causing some very slight "lock-out" symtoms at about the third week of bloom. So I have switched to R/O, and the plants look even more vibrant. I have also dropped the Peaceful Valley 1-5-5 off my regimin, and dropped my amounts of everything else, I think my medium is getting really close to taking care of their needs though the entire cycle, which is my ultimate goal. It is almost Maple Sap season here, I may tap a tree and water the girls with it for carbs and trace elements! The Wappa is an absolute winner....I can tell already. Peace, Nugs:weed:
Happy Groundhogs Day!


Well-Known Member
I have wrapped up my pollination duties on the 1st of Feb, eight crosses. My Bio-Diesel crossed with all four, and American Dream with all four. Now my next sperm donor is of a beautiful Hash Plant specimen. Always trying to increase the "goo" factor.


Well-Known Member
Some interesting developments this last week. The Trinity started sprouting a few male flowers within the colas similar to when a female will push some male parts when she is past her prime. The last Trin I grew did the same, but they didn't show up until week six of bloom. But this being week four, I couldn't risk it, not with 6 different seed lots I yanked her...sorry L! she was replaced with a Hollands Hope. Other than that, everything is beautiful as we enter the mass phase of bloom. The American Dream is really hitting her stride and bulking up. But Wappa is still the Queen. The White Gold is slower than the rest, but is doing well. I have a few more spaces to fill with mums, but they should be showing in a week, the flower room is packed with 14 little ones waiting to show their sex parts. Nearing the end of the breeding project, with only Hash Plant pollen to breed with two or three more girls. Should have 20 different crosses (in seed form), and 10 mums filed away in the next six-seven weeks. Love and Peace, Nugs:leaf:


Well-Known Member
A few more pics of Wappa taken while I had her out to admire, she is so nice! Just short of four weeks bloom.
Peace, Nugs:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
Good stuff man. I like the motivation and the experiments. Also, good move on the soil and nute switch. U'll be happy. Ive noticed with my grows this year, Ive built the soil so it has worked hard for me. I just make tea's and thats it. Do you make teas? You can make them with what u have there. I got a compost sock and put dark rich VermiT Compost in it and bubble it with my other nutes.


Well-Known Member
Sagensour..... thanks for the input....yeah bro, I have been using tea, my recipe being EWC, Big Bloom, Guano, Kelp, and sucanat mixed in a 5 gal. container with R/O water. Let her work for a few days, adjust the PH to 6.5, and let it go to work with the girls. Peace Bro. Nugs
P.S. what are you running for nutes other than your compost?


Well-Known Member
Check this shit out..... This is my new bubbler/oxygenator for my compost/guano tea container! It is an inflater for an air mattress, and a lawn-mower battery! Love this shit!
Peace, Nugs:hump:


Well-Known Member
couple more the mass phase....full little room.


Well-Known Member
Day 31.......a few pics of the girls, just over four weeks, the Wappa and American Dream are outstanding. The White Gold is way behind, and a bit paler green, lending me to believe she may be Sativa heavy, but smells yummy, and throwing lots of goo already (she is obviously lower right in first pic). Gave them a good feeding of Organic goodies as they enter the mass phase.....this is when it gets so fun!
Peace, Nugs:weed: