So my buddy gave me some nuits, I put a tablespoon of each in a gallon of distilled and it was great, he also gave me a few more scoops in little plastic shot glasses so if I run out I have more, well the shot glasses over time started to evaporate, and my dumb ass, in stead of tossing them, I added them to my water.. stupid and impatient.. so I watered them for a few weeks, one time with nuits, next 2 times with distilled water, I started seeing burn and stopped nuits completely.. so basically it's been about 2 weeks watering ONLY with distilled, and I'm still seeing new burn.... any reasons this might happen? Also someone told me if I get water on the leaves as I feed that the light can amplify and cause a burn look? I don't think that's correct, but figured I'd toss it out there for discussion.