

Well-Known Member
Well, that depends on what you want to accomplish. I've done 20 untrained 3' plants under a 400 HPS just to see if it could be done (it can, but to no advantage) and over the years settled on 9 or 12 supercropped plants in a 3x3 or 4x3 arrangement as the best use of one for me.


Well-Known Member
I would say it depends on the size of your cab and what you want to accomplish. Personally, I like to have no more than 4 plants under my 400w. That totally fills my cab up with light and bud :hump: Anything more and its just too crowded in there. 4x3


Well-Known Member
I've got 6 under a 400 watt Hps, It's crowded, Going to have a good return, although next time I'm only going with 4 max so the light can penetrate to all the lower branches better and make bigger Buds. I agree with Boneman 4- good sized plants.


Well-Known Member
A lot depends... you can easily fit 100 or more plants if you have them small enough and you want to use every bit of light you can, especially if you use a "Colosseum" grow (Personally, I'm intending to put 24 plants 4x6 within 16x24 inches under a 150w HPS and am expecting at least 6oz). It all depends on the way you use the light and how big you want the plants. One massive plant can be worse off than many tiny ones and vice versa.


Active Member
A lot depends... you can easily fit 100 or more plants if you have them small enough and you want to use every bit of light you can, especially if you use a "Colosseum" grow (Personally, I'm intending to put 24 plants 4x6 within 16x24 inches under a 150w HPS and am expecting at least 6oz). It all depends on the way you use the light and how big you want the plants. One massive plant can be worse off than many tiny ones and vice versa.
Your full of shit. Straight up.


Well-Known Member
I've had 12 at a time (staggered) SOG under a 400W.

That was in a space 90cm by 60cm in 7" Square 1 gal pots.

Was a bit crowded which caused a little bud rot in the last couple of days, I probably suggest 6 - 10 under a 400W.


Well-Known Member
Children Please, no fights on someone else's thread :)

I have a 4x3 grow room like Boneman and I have 3 growing right now. I also vegged for 45 days and now I am in the 3rd weeks of flowering and it's getting tight!


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the for all the info. glad to see some kind of response fiinally on one of my threads thanks again appreciate it