nurtients or no nutrients, that is the question


Well-Known Member
They are old enough to start on a low dose of nutes.
Everyone on here has their own opinions and will give a million different answers.
Its like asking whos the hottest women etc....kinda impossible to answer u know.
Whatever brand u decide to run start at 15-20% strength and add 10% each week til your at the recommended numbers.

You may want to spend some time doing alot of reading up on here theres lots of usefull info.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Im in love with organic nutrients since I started using them. Great results for me and real easy to use. You have a little forgiveness with organic because of the way its delivered to the plant, unlike synthetic nutrients that are forced into the plant. That's just my experience. Whatever you pick keep the NPK ratio kinda balanced like 10-10-10 or 15-15-15. Good Luck.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
the plant doesn't know the difference between organic and synthetic nutes, Bottled nutes labeled organic are not really organic.
if you are growing in actual soil, you should look into brewing teas and feeding the soil.
If in a soiless medium,peat or coco, synthetics work best.
and just an FYI, that timer is not made for use on a ballast.
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Well-Known Member
the plant doesn't know the difference between organic and synthetic nutes, Bottled nutes labeled organic are not really organic.
if you are growing in actual soil, you should look into brewing teas and feeding the soil.
If in a soiless medium,peat or coco, synthetics work best.
and just an FYI, that timer is not made for use on a ballast.
A properly amended soil is definitely the way to go. Humboldt Nutrients makes a really nice organic line. Good people too cause I asked them to make a feeding schedule for a longer veg time and for a couple of my plants that are gonna take a good 12 or more weeks to flower and they had it for me in 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
the plant doesn't know the difference between organic and synthetic nutes, Bottled nutes labeled organic are not really organic.
if you are growing in actual soil, you should look into brewing teas and feeding the soil.
If in a soiless medium,peat or coco, synthetics work best.
and just an FYI, that timer is not made for use on a ballast.
Now that is good advice Chuck, use correct timers for electrical draw of a ballast.
Safety first then you can grow and learn.
Chuck and I also agree about nutrients, and you have good info for soil from other members.
Everybody said start slow with nutes, I say learn That plant what nutes it likes week by week so you can do it better each time.