Nute burn? Pest damaged leaves dying, curled tips


Active Member
Hi! It's my first grow, I'm just over a week into flower and I fertilised with advanced nutrients grow-micro-bloom combo in a 1:1:1 ratio about 6 days ago. I think a made it up a bit to strong as my plants look like they have nutrient burn because leaf tips are curling down slightly and older leaves that were damaged by aphids (I think, sorted it with a week of neem oil solution) have turned yellow and started to die.

I flushed but don't think I used enough water (4 litres) I'm waiting til the plants are dried out before flushing again with more water.

My questions are:
Does this look like bute damage?
Should I fertilise at all after flushing or wait a while or what?
Should I cut off the older, yellow leaves and should I do it at the leave or at the base of the leaf branch?
Details of my setup are below.

Strain: Arjan's Haze 3
Medium: Soil mix
Light: 200watt ecolight red 12/12
Pots: looks like 3/4L



Active Member

I've flushed properly and added a weak fertilizer with nitrogen and phosphorus incase a deficiency of one was causing the yellowing.


Active Member
No pointers? Could it be leaves that aren't getting as much light cos they're further down dying off cos of flower?

Yes Sir

Active Member
no its not a light issue, they may have had nute burn but im unsure. you want to flush with about 3 times the size of your container size ex. 1gallon container = about 3 gallons of phd water. id pluck off the leaves that are damged the most and apply very light nutrient mix everyother watering. if it gets better your fine and if it gets worse id flush again and use light nutes. the plants also look over watered so wait a lil longer between each watering


Active Member
Thanks for the replies, I was probably freaking a bit when I posted originally, being a nube and all that. My plants are currently 3 and a bit weeks into flower and doing well, the only yellowing I get on leaves is on lower, light starved leaves and the other leaves are looking much healthier. I've begun light fertilizing, this strain has a tendency to yellow early so hopefully I'm giving it enough nitrogen to stave as much of that off as possible.
