Nute Burn


Well-Known Member
so 2nd to last feeding I over did it. Slight burn on the tips. Plant still smells and looks beautiful other than (head hung low)the obvious burn. o question this happened about a month before the plant will be harvested. should I expect and negative effects whilst smoking after curing ? DSCF1976.jpgDSCF1979.jpgDSCF1983.jpg:shock:DSCF1980.jpgDSCF1981.jpgDSCF1982.jpgDSCF1978.jpg


Well-Known Member
I agree with trill...not a problem. Some people push nutes till they see a little nute burn , and then back off. Though not usually so late in harvest. Flush them good and you'll be ok,

Edit: Just to clarify.., a final flush...not now


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. It was a little bit of a let down seeing that burn because she grew so nice not a blemish the entire grow I was so happy. another week or so im at 55 need around 60 to 65 days don't see any amber yet HURRICAN!bongsmilie

sativa indica pits

Active Member
looking good, Im always really light on fert on the final 2-3 weeks and flush the piss out of them so this doesnt happen, The only time it really fuks the buds up is when the top's die, hairs shrivle up and turn red and all upwards growth stops. if that hasnt happened she is all good,,, deff looks dank!!