Nute Calculator for GH 3 part


Well-Known Member
Years ago there was an excel spreadsheet preloaded with GH flora values and you could plug in your numbers and get all the data. It was originally kind of passed around along with Lucas formula so people could see that you hit all your numbers. I was always able to find it on the net by searching Lucas formula spreadsheet but that no longer works. Anybody happen to know where I can find a copy these days? Thanks
Hope these help somehow. Never had a single issue following the recirc schedule.

Just be sure you always mix CaliMagic or ANY CalMag for that matter, VERY FIRST into your water. Mix REALLY well IN BETWEEN adding EACH AND EVERY PART.

download (3).jpegRecirculating-Nutrient-Schedule-custom.jpg
General hydroponics web site has several different schedules depending on the type of system and which of there nutrient line you choose. They also have a the calculator that you mentioned. I haven't figured out how to attach a link, but just go to their site, general
Thanks, the one I am looking for is different, allows you to plug in your numbers and just has a wealth more information plus it was an excel sheet. I’m familiar with what they have on their site.
Thanks, the one I am looking for is different, allows you to plug in your numbers and just has a wealth more information plus it was an excel sheet. I’m familiar with what they have on their site.
Sounds something like the spreadsheet @Renfro made in his nutrient calculating post.

I believe this was the last updated version
Thank you rocket! That is exactly the one I was looking for. lol, you've aged yourself. Thank you
I'm glad you posted this too...I had not seen it before and it;'s a good read, especially since I'm about to fire my 100 liter aero system back up
I'm glad you posted this too...I had not seen it before and it;'s a good read, especially since I'm about to fire my 100 liter aero system back up
I don't understand why the feed rates in this link are so high. If you look at the guide from the MJ growers handbook, in this link it's telling you to add 14M-12B-4G for veg and
then 6M-22B-0G for flower. That is in ml/gal. Those rates are much higher than the feed charts from GH website. They only recomend 6-7 ml/gal at most. Most people tell you to feed at half the rates of the manufacturer recommended. Can someone please explain why the rates are so high in the MJ handbook? I wanted to change nutrients to the GH flora series and I am finding lots of conflicting information. Now I am second guessing my choice and considering megacrop. Anyone using either I would love to get straight answers on you feed rates for the GH or thoughts and comments on megacrop would all be appreciated.
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I don't understand why the feed rates in this link are so high. If you look at the guide from the MJ growers handbook, in this link it's telling you to add 14M-12B-4G for veg and
then 6M-22B-0G for flower. That is in ml/gal. Those rates are much higher than the feed charts from GH website. They only recomend 6-7 ml/gal at most. Most people tell you to feed at half the rates of the manufacturer recommended. Can someone please explain why the rates are so high in the MJ handbook? I wanted to change nutrients to the GH flora series and I am finding lots of conflicting information. Now I am second guessing my choice and considering megacrop. Anyone using either I would love to get straight answers on you feed rates for the GH or thoughts and comments on megacrop would all be appreciated.
not sure where you are confused. mel frank has his preferred ratios and pH Imbalance has his preferred ratios.

the whole study found that the 8/16 ratio (Lucas) was the "best" for cannabis. NPKMg of 100/100/200/60 in elemental ppm

i could never run the 8/16 w/o burning my tips. i usually maxed at 5/10 or 4/8. keeping the 1:2 ratio is all that's important, not the final EC.

i hated MC: pH was completely unstable for me. and i don't think the NPK ratio is all that great for cannabis anyway. this was version 1 of MC. not sure what there latest concoction is like.
The chart I posted earlier, recirculating inparticular, and have gone by for 5+ years. It works great and my PPMs never exceed 650- 700. Never used more than 5ml/gal of any of the 3 or CaliMagic. Ever.
not sure where you are confused. mel frank has his preferred ratios and pH Imbalance has his preferred ratios.

the whole study found that the 8/16 ratio (Lucas) was the "best" for cannabis. NPKMg of 100/100/200/60 in elemental ppm

i could never run the 8/16 w/o burning my tips. i usually maxed at 5/10 or 4/8. keeping the 1:2 ratio is all that's important, not the final EC.

i hated MC: pH was completely unstable for me. and i don't think the NPK ratio is all that great for cannabis anyway. this was version 1 of MC. not sure what there latest concoction is like.
That's interesting cause they claim its made SPECIFICALLY for Cannabis. Glad I never spent money on it though. Almost did, but Jacks will be the next endeavor I take on if I leave the 3part GH Flora series with their CalMag. It's just works so well for me for so long.
Thanks, when I first started with GH Flora trio in 1996 we used tomato recommendations. You have some of the best nuggets of info.
i don't know if they've changed the ratio since v1. luckily i won a free bag. quit using it 2 or 3 weeks later when the pH was so unstable.

i'm still waiting to find something better than maxigro and maxibloom too. GH is pretty great stuff IMO.
Few things are slightly different but it was mostly more cal and mag and different consistency. Newer stuff doesnt dissolve as well.
not sure where you are confused. mel frank has his preferred ratios and pH Imbalance has his preferred ratios.

the whole study found that the 8/16 ratio (Lucas) was the "best" for cannabis. NPKMg of 100/100/200/60 in elemental ppm

i could never run the 8/16 w/o burning my tips. i usually maxed at 5/10 or 4/8. keeping the 1:2 ratio is all that's important, not the final EC.

i hated MC: pH was completely unstable for me. and i don't think the NPK ratio is all that great for cannabis anyway. this was version 1 of MC. not sure what there latest concoction is like.
I got turned into Lucas back at overgrow around 99 I think and although I try things every once in a while I tend to go back to it simply because it works so well. As you say, final EC is up to the user.