Nute Lock/Burn or Deficiency?


Active Member
Sorry, but I lost my digital camera a couple weekd ago, so no pics.

I grow hydroponically in 2 gh ecogrowers. Day before yesterday some of the oldest plant leaves began curling under just a tad and a little yellow/spotty/brownish. I checked the ph and ppm. Ph was okay, ppm was a little high (running at 1300 in one res and 1200 in the other). I am in the third week of flower so I topped off each res with fresh water to drop the ppm back down to 1000-1050 and ph'd each res. Today when I got up things looked much worse, with alot of the new growth looking bright yellow, older leaves turning worse, etc. However, I went to check my pump timer and the timer had jostled loose from the powerstrip! I think they did not get watered at all for close to 24 hours after I topped off the res w/ fresh water, so now I have no clue whether the were exhibiting the first signs of burn, lock out, deficiency, or what! At first I thought I should flush just to be safe, but if they were just really deficient then that would just compound the I just went ahead and did a water change that was due today and kept the ppm down @ 900 and ph'd the water. Problem is, if it turns out it was burn/lockout then I am just going to make things worse that way!

Do ya'll think that one day @ 1300 ppm would have been enough to burn em? Or do you think they were just getting deficient because they needed a water change, and the timer getting disconnected just made it worse? All I know is that up until day before yesterday, everything looked great and now they have taken a severe turn for the worse QUICKLY!!!