Nute Lock out? Please help a brotha out!

I have been vegging for 6 weeks. I am using rock wool cubes and they are sitting on hydroton. I noticed the plants started looking funny and thought it could be a salt build up or a ph imbalance. I flushed a few times with quarter strength nute solution and they still look the same.

I am using ro water- A & B, CAL MAG, a small amount of VITAMAX PLUS and FULVIC ACID (Fullpower)
ph at 5.7
ppm 500

this is my 3rd grow with Rock wool I have used the same nutes but this is the 1st time I have had this issue. my run off was high 750 ppm and 6.5 ph.

how can i fix this?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated 006.jpg004.jpg


Well-Known Member
You should not have leaves that look like that and you need to get to the bottom of why they look so bad. Are you feeding too much? Do you actually need calmag, Vitawhat and fulvic acid during vegging? Who makes a&b?

In the short term you should run a few gallons of tap water through your rockwool.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Do you have algea problems?what is your lighting?If you are using 400 watts or more of hid you need to bump up ppm's.
I shoot for ph 6 in passive hydro.
Does the rockwool drain well into the Hydroton.
Is this a Hempy bucket?
more info
I got the same leaves in soil using only half Nutes. It somewhat went away after I raised ph but its still a problem throughout my garden. Would be great to know what causes it I've been looking for answers for a while. It's not fungus, which is what most have said.