Nute Schedule


Active Member
What's up people? I have a buddy who is helping me on financing for my op who had a little experience with growing, so i have been taking his advice with a grain of salt. I am about 1 week into veg, using GH Flora Nova.
His feeding schedule kind of contradicted a lot of research I had done and he says anything different would be bad.

So here's the schedule for my 5 ladies under a 400w MH:
Feeding them every day with a quarter teaspoon of Flora Nova diluted in half a gallon of water, distributed to the 5 ladies equally. I am using FF Ocean Forest soil. He wants to then slowly up the dosage to up to 2 teaspoons.
I read that feeding every day is a bad idea (every third watering). Looking for some clarity...



Active Member
It really depends on how much your plant can take, i water every secound day and then 2 days later feed nutes 2 days water and so on. it seems to work for me and my plants love it. I up the dosage on the nutes as my plants grow and can take more so its really hust trial and error untill you find your mojo.


Active Member
Any one else care to chime in? There is one lady in particular that causes me to ask. It has a slight yellowing on the very tips of the youngest growth and a few yellow spots (small) on one leaf. Is this normal or possibly a Ca deficiency from too much N. Will try to get a pic up tonight.