Nutes are getting on my tits


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I have endlessly used the search function, google's "search site:" tool and read WidowMaker and Uncle Ben's articles and guides to no avail.

2 weeks ago I bought a bottle of nutes; Plagron Alga-Grow. I used it once on my 6 clones and caused them a slight nute-burn (yea, shit happens).

Now I'm trying to avoid doing that again but I can't understand what half and full strength means, what 10-20-10 or whatever those numbers are, etc. (Do they mean dilution?) On the bottle it says 2ml per litre (1:500) but I'm still not sure.

My 2 questions are : How much nutes should I give them? and How often should I give them nutes? (I water them everyday).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am growing 6 clones indoors using a 250w HPS lamp. They will be entering their 3rd month soon.



Supreme Skunk

Active Member
well first off watering everyday may become a little to much. Also sometimes i like to let my soild get a little dry (only 2 or 3 days past time to be watered) this makes your roots dig deeper into the soild and pot looking for more water which later on is a good thing when your plants start to really absorb nutes for flowering. I have a clone of a super skunk and i water my plant about once every 5 days and i mean i give it about a gallon at a time. How much do you water them every day? They dont really seem over watered. 2nd i would def not give them nutes everytime you water them, i give my nutes every other watering to avoid nute burn and ya it can be easy to do. Also since there only in vegg right now i would take w/e the recomended serving is on the bottle and give it about half of that for a while and see how your plant reacts. I hope this helps, let me know how it goes man.


Active Member
well first off watering everyday may become a little to much. Also sometimes i like to let my soild get a little dry (only 2 or 3 days past time to be watered) this makes your roots dig deeper into the soild and pot looking for more water which later on is a good thing when your plants start to really absorb nutes for flowering. I have a clone of a super skunk and i water my plant about once every 5 days and i mean i give it about a gallon at a time. How much do you water them every day? They dont really seem over watered. 2nd i would def not give them nutes everytime you water them, i give my nutes every other watering to avoid nute burn and ya it can be easy to do. Also since there only in vegg right now i would take w/e the recomended serving is on the bottle and give it about half of that for a while and see how your plant reacts. I hope this helps, let me know how it goes man.

Hey Supreme Skunk,

thanks for your reply.

I used to water my girls every 2 or 3 days for about 2 weeks, but since last week I've been giving them water everyday, (not too much though). Surely not enough to drown them anyway. Besides, every 24 hours the earth is dry on top, and just a bit moist about 1 or 2 inches under, so I don't think I'm doing anything wrong.

However I think I'll do what you said; water them every now and then to make the roots dig deeper. I had forgotten about that, thanks.

I just gave them nutes for the 2nd time, went very carefully - only gave them a few drops. I think they'll be ok, (the last time I nuted them was last Monday).

As for the notations I keep seeing on the forums, 10-20-10, etc. could you or anyone else shed some light on what they mean?

Thanks for the help,



Well-Known Member
the 3 numbers 10-5-4 for example stand for n-p-k. the n is nitrogen the p is phosphorus and the k is pottassium(potash). three chemicals that improve plant growth. vegging nutes have different levels than flowering(bloom)nutes as the plant requires different levels of these chemicals for different grow stages ; the first number(n, nitrogen) is always higher in vegging nutes as ur plant needs this to produce green leave.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies guys.

Yea I know that N, P and K are the most vital chemicals when it comes to plant growing. However in what unity is 10-5-4 ? What do the numbers mean?

And how do I change them? I read that the values change during flowering, as you said dura, especially in phosphorus and potassium becuase the plants need them more than they do during vegging.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
that;s the raiot of content.

just turn the bottle around and it wil probably tell you 5ml per liter or such. so to start with jsut add 2.5ml per liter of warer.

just go and buy something simple like Canna A + B. it's a 2 part feed, and you just use 4ml of each per liter of water throughout the grow, no need to start changing to flowering nutes etc.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
you dont. if you are getting into advanced stuff you might start to be aware that you're not giving them enough N etc, which is when you start buying things specially to combat the deficiency.

as it is though, you take your seed, plant it, water with plain water for the 1st week or 2, then after that you add say 2.5ml of your feed (find out what your feed amounts are etc) (full strength would be 5ml for me, so half strength would be 2.5ml)

then after a week or so or when they're a good size, you use full strength, so all 5ml of feed in the liter of water.

if you'r at that stage with the plants and are asking these questions, you really need to slow down and get a good understanding of the basics instead of having to learn about issues and things as they arise


Active Member
Well I've been putting in 2ml per litre, just like it says on the bottle. My girls aren't that young (over 2 months) so they're doing pretty well I imagine.

Anyways I just wanted to check and find out a bit more about the ratios and what they meant.



You cannot change the NPK ratio of a fertilizer. Half strength means that if you use 2ML per liter, half strength would be 1ML per liter.

If you were a chemist, you could change the NPK ratio with the right chemicals, but they would be far more expensive than just buying a different nute mix.

If you have 10-5-4, that's 10% Nitrogen, 5% Phosphorus, 4% Potassium BY WEIGHT. so for every GRAM of that fertilizer, it would have 100MG Nitrogen, 50MG Phosphorus, 40MG Potassium.


Well-Known Member
check the directions: in the label on the nute bottle. what ever it advises you give your plants, say 2 teaspoons per gallon, just put 1 teaspoon to a gallon of water, and that is half strength nute formula. being your plants are just about 3 months old, i would say they could handle 3/4 or 100% of the advised amount. but wait a week or 2 from your last feeding to fertilize again.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, igrowdro and especially jugg1es - that's exactly what I wanted to know about the chemicals. Now I finally get what it's all about lol.

Btw - any tips on raising humidity? Just bought a hygrometer and it's reading about 21% of humidity - Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read a couple of times that it should be between 30-50% during flowering and 50-70% when vegging, so something's obviously wrong.




Active Member
When you here apply half strength all it means is use half the recommended amount per gallon. If it say's 1 teaspoon per gallon you would add 1/2 teaspoon per gallon and there you go half strenth nutes.. Simple PEACE