nutrient advice?


Active Member
im using botanicare pure blend pro grow and liquid karma and was wondering when i start first feeding should i mix both or just start of with one of them and if so which one and the plant is about 2 weeks 2 days fed it couple days ago cause tips started turning light green but it burnt them a little.i mixed both of them at 1/4 strenght so im thinking it was to soon any advice?oh and its in perlite and vermiculiye mix.


Well-Known Member
stick with water till you see the 4th set of leaves then 2ml of grow per liter will be fine... if you must then 2ml of grow per gallon


Well-Known Member
use rainwater for first 3 weeks(i use it for the whole veg but i put compost on the top of the soil as nutrients). they look overwatered, get some holes in the cup.


Active Member
ok i bought some regular water jug from the store that should be good right and i got the one whole about 1ich or so from the bottom trying hempy bucket it drains pretty good.


Well-Known Member
this early in life, it just needs good minerals you can get from nature, hell it could live off rainwater for its whole life just fine but it might not yield as much if we dont add more p and k. wait till the 3rd node till any signs of veg nutes, start REALLY small feeds and keep adding more