Nutrient Burn


Active Member
I had jus received some 3 part fox farm nutes that i was in desperate need of and i got excited and gave my plants to much tiger bloom and gave my plants nute burn. I am now giving the plants water only. I was first wondering how long should i give my plants water only before i go back to nutes? I have been giving it water only about a week now. I bought some measuring spoons so that i dont make that mistake again.Tiger bloom says that it is low on the ph scale. Should i use some ph up adjuster in my soil being that i used 2 much bloom? I bought a digital ph tester from HTG supply but i cant use it because i dont have any buffer solution so that i can calibrate it. Is it any way around this? I really want 2 ph test my run off! Someone please help me.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hey there CHA..

well the burn does not lok to bad....

you need to go to the store and get something that YOU know what the pH is... and use that as a temperary calibrating solution... ya feel me?

pH Levels of Common Materials - Jack Eden

check this site out... it can give you some things to use ... for temperary calibration solution..

DO not just start messing with pH up or down without having a tester.... it can and will likely fook your shit up.. and your plants look pretty darn GOOD and robust!

Wat at least 2-3 (THOROUGH) waterings before you give it more nutrients.. and always start super diluted..

and sorry abot your burn experience.. it will makeyou abetter grower i the end!!

yeah I just got my girl back on track I used some Carl Pool BR-61 nutes its (9-58-8) made specificly for budsand it is some strong stuff and it works greatly with sativa ? on indica.. so got the nutes from a local nursery but anywho I am happy with the end resultsbig lucious blooms that wreek with nothing but love


Well-Known Member
I don't see any burn:lol:Tiger bloom really lowers the ph;-)Get you a medication syringe that you measure baby's medications with:sleep:their a lot more accurate and easier than spoons:wall: