Nutrient Def???

hey everyone this is my first plant i am growing, feeding it floranova nuts..everythinhg was fine until all of a sudden the leaves became alll crispy and yellow around the edges looks like they are dieing.. im quite worried hope it wont affect the growth of the bud in any way... is there anybody out there have any clue what this could be and what can i do? i think its a nut def but not 100 % sure >>>>

all help greatly appreciated!!!



Well-Known Member
looks more like a nute burn than a def to me bud. give us some more details. how many days into flower is she? do you feed every watering or every other watering. if its nute burn (which imo it probably is) i would give here a flush, three times your soil amount in water (so if you have 5 gallons of soil, 15 gallons of water).
thank you for your prompt response, klosetking, im not sure how many days exactly into flowering but she just started flowering a few weeks ago so i would say in the middle, i feed her every watering, i believe i gave i mixed in too much nutes for one of the gallons because i did not have my ph kit at the time and i am pretty sure thats what probable caused it to become this way..started to notice this about 2.5 weeks ago...i tried feeding her with way less nutes in aswell as i lately have been just watering her with plain filterd 6.0ph water, i read this could help break down all the nutes and salts in the soil or somthin


Well-Known Member
what your essentially doing is flushing, and that was a correct decision imo. has it seemed to stopped progression? if this started 2 weeks ago and it didnt keep going after you started flushing you may be fine by now since mose damage wont actually be repaired. also, i would personally raise your waters pH a bit since your in soil. ive included a pic for reference, note soil range is on the right.
yeah, it has not really gotten any worse than 2 weeks ago, other than many of the leafs are yellow/ very crispy around the edges lik in the pic.. i know the damage cannot be healed but you think she would be ok? the buds are lookin sik but most of the leaves look arent lookin all that healthy =/ makes me kinda upset just dont want it to affect the growth or potency of the crop,

again, i thank you alot for your very prompt responses, you are helpin out alot!


Well-Known Member
well dont take my advise TOO close to heart, iam still a newbie myself =D but i think you are on the right track. keep up with the flush for another few days, then give her a light feeding. iam never used that fert so iam not sure what an appropriate dosage would be.

i say this with no malice, but they look a little airy. what types of light(s) are you using?
no doubt, well still apreciate your hellp alot looks like you know what your doing, your girls look like thy are doing fabulous they look awesome!!! I am using sun system 150watt light HPS (was all i could afford wanted to experiment and i became to really like to watch it grow) what do you mean by airy?... not as thick? what nutes work good for you ?

and i just took this pic of her021.jpg
and btw your ladiies look very thick, what kind is that one "adolf" i think it was called, i wish mine looked like that =[[ those look they are grown outdoors which probably makes them a lot thicker


Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind words =D

what i meant by airy was that in the other pics they looked a little fluffy was all, wasnt sure if you were relying on that window light or cfls or something =D it very well could be strain or nutes iam not sure, it wasnt meant as a critique or anything, i think my density on my first try is probably pure luck ;) i personally am only using FoxFarm Big Bloom and Grow Big (havnt had the flow to cough up the 17 bucks for Tiger Bloom yet). this was only because it was what the local shop had on hand that was affordable, its not an endorsement by any means. iam sure your nutes will work fine, its all about dialing them in for your strains needs and supplementing where necessary (imo).


Well-Known Member
Adolf and the other 2 in flower are bagseed genetics from a really sticky sativa i got a while back that had a head high that made me feel drunk. in fact it was so buzzy i would get dizzy and i didnt like it all that much, but these arent expressing the same genetics at all. they are denser by far, but seem like they will come out a bit less sticky.

they are grown in a closet of course, constant breeze from fan to strengthen the stem, and i kept them stalky by keeping my light very close. adolf had 4-5 nodes before she was 3" tall.

-edit- and the names are just a naming scheme. Adolf, Betty, Cheryl; Debra, Emily, Freya. see a pattern? =D
non taken at all ! thank you very very very much for all your help and such quick responses to put one in the air! stay high sir!!
didnt get to read that other post you posted...but thats pretty intresting they are grown in closet ..sounds like a crazy high too...i need to find some seeds like that worth actually growing