nutrient deficiencies


Active Member
hey guys,

Im having a little nutrient solution problem at the moment that is working its way up my plant!! I believe its a magnesium and nitrogen deficiency. Also i am 2 and a half weeks into flower so i want to take care of this problem soon before all my leaves wither away.

Can anyone recomend a nutrient solution that works for an organic, soil indoor plant??? and possibly where to find it?

Im getting the impression that the dificiencies are slowing my flower growth because the plant looks unhealthy towards the lower half....working its way up.

And i am currently giving it "fox farm big bloom" organic fert diluted with water everyother day:leaf:

thank you for your help!


Well-Known Member
It is a hard one with organic growers but i would get some fish blood and bone mix it with water then feed the plants with this.this has a high nitrogean content so it may do the trick you can get this any garden centre.


Well-Known Member
I was watching bill ny the science guy last night, i must say he is one smart guy. He said that used coffee grounds can be reused. All you have to do is sprinkle the grounds on top of the soil and it adds nitrogen.