nutrient deficiencies?


New Member
Hi guys
long time listener, first time caller

I'm growing in coco with House & Garden Cocos A&B, Roots Excelurator, Amino Treatment & Multi Zyme.

At first I nearly destroyed the seedlings with a 600W HPS and nutrient burn (rookie errors!)..I got some good advice and bought a 400W MH and lowered the EC. They came back around after some time off to repair.

They still remained quite pale even when they started growing nicely again. Through here and other resources I figured they had a nitrogen deficiency so I added some Nitrozyme to their feed and gave a couple of sprays of Dutch Pro Leaf Green.

I want to know that I have them back to good health.

They are greening up but they still seem to be drinking and growing quite slowly. The lowest, oldest leaves are still bright yellow on a couple. Will I be able to rectify that?

IMG_0212.jpg IMG_0214.jpg

I also notice on a couple of plants they have yellowing done the middle of the leaf, and across the veins, is this a magnesium deficiency? Would you recommend Calmag?


Thanks in advance guys


Active Member
that first pic is so 'persuasive'......i almost thought u were kidding till i saw the third pic.....just pluck that yellow leaf on the bottom off the plant and def give it some cal/mag....i mean its not gonna hurt it....but yea she should be alright


Well-Known Member
Cal def yes. mix 1tbsp/gal epsom salts and water and spray it on the leaves. It's the fastest way to get MG into ur plant.