nutrient diffecniency ?


Well-Known Member
the plant looks rather small for defiencies, what is your pH at? and what are you feeding?



Ursus marijanus
1) Do not foliar-feed magnesium. That's a prescription for leaf burn.
2) What i see is not any particular deficiency but maybe a slight overdose of N.
Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
Oh my fault i wrote Mg i meant Mn!! Before that i said maganese thi and he wrote maganese in his first post..


Ursus marijanus
I still really doubt it's a manganese problem, especially in soil. My prime suspects are mild nute burn or a watering issue. Y'know, the usual suspects. Or it could be sour soil (pH). I'd need more info. cn


ill take the ph and get back to you tonight, im out atm but i haven't been feeding it with fertilizer so it shouldn't be an over abundance of anything right? and im running off well water if tht helps


Ursus marijanus
Oh! Two things.
1) What's the ppm on your well water?
2) What soil are you running? Some of those "time-release feed" soils are notorious for burning and lockout ... they're not ideal for weed.


Oh! Two things.
1) What's the ppm on your well water?
2) What soil are you running? Some of those "time-release feed" soils are notorious for burning and lockout ... they're not ideal for weed.
ill have to go get a ppm meter to find out for you, and i used miracle grow moisture control


Oh! Two things.
1) What's the ppm on your well water?
2) What soil are you running? Some of those "time-release feed" soils are notorious for burning and lockout ... they're not ideal for weed.
ill have to go get a ppm meter to find out for you, and i used miracle grow moisture control


Ursus marijanus
The Miracle Grow Moisture Control could be it right there with its "time-release fertilizer". If you stay with that soil, water as infrequently as possible. But if I were you, I'd save on the meters and get, say, Fox farm Happy Frog. A bag is like $15, and the plants love it. Jmo. cn


The Miracle Grow Moisture Control could be it right there with its "time-release fertilizer". If you stay with that soil, water as infrequently as possible. But if I were you, I'd save on the meters and get, say, Fox farm Happy Frog. A bag is like $15, and the plants love it. Jmo. cn
wouldnt it be bad to de-pot them and transplant them into new soil?


Ursus marijanus
wouldnt it be bad to de-pot them and transplant them into new soil?
Not if it's a good soil! Young plants like that recover amazingly well after a repotting. i recommend this course of action, and without those time-release nutes being a factor, you should see much-improved plant health. When I replanted into Happy Frog, I got immediate health growth and didn't have to feed at all for two months. cn


Ursus marijanus
so just repot and leave soil, or try and separate roots as much as possible from the old soil?
Leave the root ball pretty much intact, but don't worry if you trim or tear the outermost ones. Roots are tough. It's okay to leave the MG around the root ball. Once you "water it in" in the new pot, the soils will blend. cn