Nutrient help


Active Member
im a little confused on the ratio the nutrients provide and how you add them up, like when people say there veg stage is a 6-4-5 ratio im not to sure on what that really means as to what nutrients and how much they added.

for example when iguana juice is a 3-1-3
and say you add H-2 which is 1-0.75-1

does that mean that the nute solution is 4-1.75-4?

why im asking is because i might be not giving my girls enough of what they really need and i want to fix the problem asap.

can anyone give me example of the nutes along with measurement that they use? preferably advanced nutrients cuz thats what im using

im running

iguana juice grow
Organic B
liquid karma
cal mag by advanced floriculutre


Active Member
that doesnt really help at all
i no that you need a 3-2-1 ratio during veg. and stuff
im talking about in hydro. nutes. like i dont think they make a hydro nute thats 6-4-5
dont you have to add other things to make the N-P-K amounts go up