Nutrient Question


Active Member
Okay, so I am a new guy to this whole deal, and I have a question...
I can't order stuff online mind you, so I have to go to the local plant shop...
Now they have 2 different "Bloom" Nutrients I can get, that are close to what I need, but neither is on point, Which would you suggest out of the 2, and should I use a lower dosage "Like 1/4 of the dosage and work up ?"
One is: 15-30-15, The other is 5-15-30, I know I am looking for something more on the 5-30-20 level, but those are the only 2 that are close, which would you guys suggest ? "This is for flowering"

Also, would this work for testing my soil levels, or do I need something more advanced ? This says it will give me the light reading / moisture level / ph level 1z0vjjp__?productId=3028419&Ntt=soil test&pl=1&currentURL=?Ntt=soil+test&page=1&facetInfo=In Store

or would this be better "But doesn't measure light / moisture"
of the 2 you mention, the 5-15-30 would be be best, the whole high P thing is a myth in container gardening, outside it is different and more P is necessary.

The meter thingy is crap, save your money, they don't work worth a a sh*t

no idea on the soil test kit, looks legit?
of the 2 you mention, the 5-15-30 would be be best, the whole high P thing is a myth in container gardening, outside it is different and more P is necessary.

The meter thingy is crap, save your money, they don't work worth a a sh*t

no idea on the soil test kit, looks legit?

Yeah the soil test kit looks like its what I would need, I'm going to grab one today and get some tests done and get the 5-15-30, should i start with smaller doses then work my way up with it ?
Also, would this work for testing my soil levels, or do I need something more advanced ?

For soil ph I use a $60 Control Wizard Accurate 8. I don't think the inexpensive 2-prong meters are very accurate. I don't think the one I have is hugely accurate, but it produces more repeatable results than I get with a $10 2-prong thing.

When you have things dialed in you don't need waste your time measuring soil ph, runoff ph, etc. But, while dialing it in, doing both is handy. Not as a one-time reading when things are going wrong, but throughout the grow so you can see the trend leading up to when things go wrong.