Nutrients for Aero garden all aspects


I know there are a ton of posts out there with nutrient information but trying to juggle all that information and put it into some kind of chart or even just a reference sheet is proving to be difficult. I am new at the Aero garden and am just looking for some simple answers or even complicated ones. Im trying to find a good nutrient source The name brand and the type would be greatly appreciated!

all based on 68 degree water temps

1. Cloning
B- What PPM do you keep them at?

2. Veg state
- What PPM do you keep them at?

3. Flowering stage
- What PPM do you keep them at?

4. Late flowering (last 2 weeks)
- What PPM do you keep them at?

Any help on this subject or more information that i missed would be greatly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
You should come up with a proper form for this, the compilation should be extremely valuable.
Bbailey, what other information do you feel should be asked?
so you've seen many opinions on the net and can't make up your mind so you want more ppl to post so you can read even more and become even more confused? you want a binky to go along with ur bib? be creative and decisive; come up with your own.


hasek. Look up the fox farm feeding schedule. Its a good base to go on. I've gotten good results by using that as a guideline. However I think keeping the ppms a little lower then they suggest is a good idea. I never go over 1000 in flower/late flower


Well-Known Member
Hasek: Everybody has their favorite. Have you investigated Technaflora's "Recipe for Success?" I started using it about four years ago in my Aerogarden and I never looked back. You can get their sample kit from most hydro stores for about $30 and it lasts a long time in an Aerogarden. It comes with formulas you can use from seed or cutting starts all the way up to harvest. It's easy to use, very complete, and all you need is: good water, a set of mixing spoons and something to test and adjust the pH with. You might want to give it a try. HSA