nutrients for indoor growing


hello, i a currenly looking for the right fertilizer for my weed plant.
i found different kinds of NPK ratios and was wondering wht you guys think would be best for veg and flowering.

my local store has a fex different kinds of fertilizer, which chould i pick?

i can chose between an NPK of:

1-4-1 | 1-1-1 | 2-1-3
1-3-1 | 2-1-1 | 2-1-4
1-2-1 | 2-1-2 | 3-1-3
what do those numbers mean?

do some homework and find out for yourself, instead of relying on someones opinion.

depending on the strain the first one may or may not work well.
these numbers are 9 different NPK ratios, i am planning on growing chemdawg.
i have done my best to find my awser online, but what they say is a beter NPK isn't in thisn list
hello, i a currenly looking for the right fertilizer for my weed plant.
i found different kinds of NPK ratios and was wondering wht you guys think would be best for veg and flowering.

my local store has a fex different kinds of fertilizer, which chould i pick?

i can chose between an NPK of:

1-4-1 | 1-1-1 | 2-1-3
1-3-1 | 2-1-1 | 2-1-4
1-2-1 | 2-1-2 | 3-1-3

................................errr ok,
you would want a fert with high N for veg and a one a bit lower in N for flower.
if your a new grower i would suggest a simple 5-5-5 and work your way up from 1/4 strength to full dose before you start to flower
( meaning be at full strength when you start to bud ) ;) hope this helps
Jesus... Give him a break....
Those numbers mean:
So when you are in veg higher in N....
When you are in Bloom higher P....

What I use has no bearing on what you are doing...
Understand OP.... Everyone's grow is a bit different....
Some people run one NPK for the whole grow...
Others swear Run a High 'N' for the whole grow...
Like Jesus says [Who can argue with Jesus?]...
Do a bit of reading...
And don't just listen to the hydro store guy....
Draw your own conclusions.....
you can always get General Hydros maxi-grow for veg and maxi-bloom for flower. there just one part so it should be great for a noob that dont know much about nutes.
As others have said, we really can't tell you what NPK fertilizer is right for you. It is also worth noting that there are other needed nutrients besides nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium which are equally important. Additionally there are other ingredients in many fertilizers today such as organic or synthetic chelating agents, amino acids, carbohydrates, plant extracts, etc.

Best thing to do is have some kind of a plan as to how you plan to grow and then research the products\line you intend to use. Most all plant food\supplement manufacturers have some kind of pamphlet or product information that they provide or which can be found on their website, detailing usage and often including feeding charts.
Transplanting into a high quality amended potting soil is a good way to avoid having to use bottled nutrients often. This is mainly what I do, along with using some Earth Juice or General Organics.

The Earth Juice Grow is a 2-1-1, the Bloom is a 0-3-1. As you can see by the chart it recommends tapering the Grow with the addition of the Bloom. In practice, and with larger\faster growing plants you might give up to 2 tbsp of Grow, which is what is recommended for larger plants. For example, you could use 2 tbsp Grow, 1 tbsp Bloom on weeks 5\6 of veg (if you opt to veg longer). By week 4 or 5 of flower you might be using 2 tbsp of Bloom and 1 Tbsp of Grow before cutting it out almost entirely. EJchart-AdvHandFeeding_12-2012.png
what do those numbers mean?

do some homework and find out for yourself, instead of relying on someones opinion.

depending on the strain the first one may or may not work well.

LOL.. Little punkass bitches like you piss me off to no extent and make me want to punch you right square in the throat you cunt.. What do you think these forums are for anyway? For people like you to be here acting like punkass knobgoblin bitches? These forums exist so people can come get advice/help and learn.. Futhermore, there is an ideal NPK ratio for vegging and flowering, and it's not based on opinion you asshat douchecanoe.. God I'd really like to simultaneously punch you in the throat and kick you in the sack right at the very same exact time you little shiteating punk and if I could, you can bet I would.. Probably not just once, but multiple times you little bitch..
LOL.. Little punkass bitches like you piss me off to no extent and make me want to punch you right square in the throat you cunt.. What do you think these forums are for anyway? For people like you to be here acting like punkass knobgoblin bitches? These forums exist so people can come get advice/help and learn.. Futhermore, there is an ideal NPK ratio for vegging and flowering, and it's not based on opinion you asshat douchecanoe.. God I'd really like to simultaneously punch you in the throat and kick you in the sack right at the very same exact time you little shiteating punk and if I could, you can bet I would.. Probably not just once, but multiple times you little bitch..

Yeah, 'cos you've got a great attitude right? :neutral: