Nutrients for seed production


Well-Known Member
This is my first "seed only" crop. My plan is to reverse sex (using silver) on one strain that everyone really likes and put four strains around it in a ring and allow nature to chuck away. So only 5 plants total.

I'm using 30G smart pots and Ocean Forest to begin and amend from there. I will inoculate the soil with mycorrhizae but my primary my goal is to feed the soil and not the plants.

Is there is a specific formula or NPK ratio that I should be focusing in on for healthy seed production?

Any insight is appreciated.
You act as if its your first time growing.

There are no special needs for seeds to form, just a healthy plant.
Far from first time but first time specifically seeding, sorta. I've silvered plants before.

Ah shit, nevermind. I'm overthinking stuff again.