Nutrients mixing order and topping off reservoir


Well-Known Member
I learned the last couple weeks that if you use certain nutes, they need to be added and mixed into the reservoir in a certain order. If you are using it, Silica first, always. Then CalMag, then your nutrients. My question today is: If I have, say, 5 gallons in my reservoir and would like to top it off, can I just mix up another batch of nutrie to in the correct order and then pour it into the res? I am currently not using silica. Just CalMag and MaxiGrow and then pH up.
Under Current recommends 50% change outs. They wouldn't make that recommendation if what you outlined created problems.
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50% nutrient solution,
now keep track of your input volume, i was taught to refill at 50% untill you have refilled the original starting tank volume. then change out the rez and fill up with fresh nutrient solution
someone may know more then me though
Fill your reservoir, mix in the ingredients per directions, don't try reinventing the wheel. Maxi is not designed to be used as a liquid stock concentrate i.e concentrated liquid solution.

If I understand what your asking correctly, yeah you can add water to your res then add a little more nutrients and pH adjust, NEVER add Silica (Potassium Silicate) to a reservoir unless it's ONLY water to be safe. Adding Silica into water with other fertilizers/supplements can cause your whole reservoir to precipitate out necessary nutrients (cloud effect).

I personally will waste a few quarts of nutrient solution so I know my reservoir is being mixed fresh in the proper order.
Silica > Base Fertilizer > Supplements.

Most Supplements and Base Fertilizer can be added any time other than Silica or highly reactive additives similar to it such as pH UP and pH down additives, for those you can simply dilute them heavily with water prior to adding to the reservoir to avoid chemical reaction.
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