Oakland Campus Shooting

yes, ironically they had nearly every federal agency preoccupied raiding medicinal pot facilities down the road, so 7 had to die.
And they say ALLOWING people to use their concealed carry permits at campuses/universities is a bad idea.

If they were allowed it, perhaps a would-be rampager would get shot by a civilian before he could kill more people. I swear, schools are targets because they are defenseless.

If people are going to go on a rampage at a college, they aren't going to worry about getting a goddamn concealed carry permit.
And they say ALLOWING people to use their concealed carry permits at campuses/universities is a bad idea.

If they were allowed it, perhaps a would-be rampager would get shot by a civilian before he could kill more people. I swear, schools are targets because they are defenseless.

If people are going to go on a rampage at a college, they aren't going to worry about getting a goddamn concealed carry permit.

I was at the wingstop around the corner from that college when it happened (heard gunshots).
I thought it was just another day in oakland until I seen the cop cars respond so fast.
Usually their response time is a 30mins to an hour.
They were at the school in 3 mins this time

Sidenote: that fat Korean can move he got to alameda pretty fast
I find it incomprehensible that a dude can kill people because he's mad at someone else.
WTF - it makes no sense at all.
Colleges should allow CCW !
wasn't the virginia tech shooter korean? he supposedly did it because he felt like he was being shit on because he is korean. this oakland shooter did the shooting in a korean community but it still appears teasing and perceived disrespect was the main motive. is there something cultural that we're missing or is this strictly a coincidental mental health issue? koreans make up such a small portion of the us population but a much larger portion of the recent spree shooting spectacle. coincidence or what?

and before anyone accuses me of being racist, understand that i'm simply wondering publicly. this new shooter is awfully old to be getting his panties in a wad over "teasing". he's in his 40s.
This is sad... These sorts of stories are becoming far too commonplace.
Guess why you see these kind of things more often? Because the news only talks about negative things.
I bet if they would show more of the good deeds people do everyday, there would be more positive in this world.
Just sayin...
Guess why you see these kind of things more often? Because the news only talks about negative things.
I bet if they would show more of the good deads people do everyday, there would be more positive in this world.
Just sayin...

"Good Deads"?
Would that be a Freudian slip showing ?