Oasis cube = problems?


Well-Known Member
So I have been using Oasis cubes for a while and have had problems with clones developing strong roots.

Has anyone else found this to be the case? It seems as though they just hold too much water and not enough air.


Well-Known Member
They've worked out alright for me overall. But, last time I cloned I did some in Oasis and some in rockwool, and didn't see any difference in success rate. So, I'm thinking the extra expense isn't really justified. My success rate seems to usually be in the 75% to 90% range, though sometimes it goes as low as 50%. I'm not sure what causes the differences, but I suspect it's more about when I cut, what the temperatures are, etc... rather than what medium I use.


Well-Known Member
My success rate was over 90%, but lately everything is dying. Roots are growing up out of the top and not coming through the bottom. I just don't get it.

The only other thing I can think of is some sort of root fungus. Maybe I have been rushing things - IDK.

Also, it seems that many are dying once removed from the clone dome. They just dry up like the roots are dead.


Active Member
My success rate was over 90%, but lately everything is dying. Roots are growing up out of the top and not coming through the bottom. I just don't get it.

The only other thing I can think of is some sort of root fungus. Maybe I have been rushing things - IDK.

Also, it seems that many are dying once removed from the clone dome. They just dry up like the roots are dead.
I'm a newbie and on my first grow but...

I have been cloning for a couple of weeks now... I started out using Oasis cubes and noticed several of my cuttings died because the cubes dried out too fast! Even in my dome they dried out really fast if I am not in there spraying them several times a day... I did however have a couple that did root and are going to make it. I think I had 2 live and 3 died so far. Not good...

I am currently trying the Jiffy Puck things, or Pellets I got with my dome which I like better so far.