Obama "firmly opposes" legalization


Active Member

Hmm, looks like it might create some tension between Cali and the feds if its legalized later this year. Ofcourse, it wont be the first time California has rubbed the feds the wrong way heh.

Looking at this from an unbiased point of view, itll be interesting to see how this all plays out if its legalized.

In my opinion, I dont think the feds will come down on California too hard, but who knows?

Ofcourse from my very biased point of view, rock on, if this bill passes youll have one more person moving to your state :D (not sure if you want that or not, <3 )


Well-Known Member
well - it is not as if Obama stood up and said this himself - this is Gil Kerlikowske talking and we know that old Gil really needs a pot bust this week because his car's in the shop and his kids need braces..

i have a very strong feeling that Obama himself holds a reasonable perspective on marijuana - however, think of what would happen if he publicly supported it even in a small degree? it is different than on the campaign trail - he can't rail hard against the status quo - he would lose all support and and with it all of his other causes..

Disco Pwnstar

New Member
he's gonna play it safe until the next presidential election. if obama says he's for weed (which will be all they hear) he takes a risk at losing votes. if he buys himself a couple years while they redefine "illicit drug" he can get his second term and push his policies... and not be remembered as the black prez that helped legalize weed. i have confidence he will have reason, at least more than the last rigime.


Active Member
what ever hapnd to barney frank?? we need another rep to step up n talk bout the ECONOMIC side of legalization. its so damn obvious


New Member
There's a lot more the government can gain from prohibition of drugs than the legalization or decriminalization of them. Simple as that. Look into it.


Active Member
true they make plenty of money off of arrestn anyone wit a dime bag in their pocket, but at the expense of every tax payer in america. and its nowhere near as much as what could be made from taxing and selling it. not to mention keepn LOADS of cash from bein givin to mexico and other import countrys. plus the jobs that will be available, for farming, harvesting, packaging, warehousing, shipping, and retail. that would add millions more taxpayers to feed the pig


New Member
This is what I mean. Drug money seized and operations we will never the the truth of ends up in numbers on wall street. Check out private prisons, FUCKING CASH COWS.


Active Member
it is pretty amazing tat they actually think its worth all the time n trouble... but its much easier to follow a few people ridin around wit some pot on em than it is to find a serial killer tats scared to leave home
There's a lot more the government can gain from prohibition of drugs than the legalization or decriminalization of them. Simple as that. Look into it.
and thats the same reason our ancestors left England to get away from the government control and practice freely, religion being the reason back then but the same principal is used. If enough people voice their support...well look at the Democrats being voted out of office in the past 4 months.


Undercover Mod
It's not so simple to change after 70 years of prohibition. Alcohol prohibtion took 13 years to repeal.


Active Member
definately on the way. the more we talk about it openly on the news, and sites like tis, the harder it is for them to ignore the fact tat it is time to change

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
in even the past few years, people have become much more educated and aware of marijuana. "desensitizing" the american public will be the first step to legalization.
Obama should know damn well, African and other eastern countries have relied on the plant for as long as man has been there.

The govt needs to stop letting the pharmaceutical companies run the country. Let hemp replace cotton, and oil, and if people use it instead of man made medicines, so be it.

Sooner or later it will happen. Oil will run out, and then what are they going to do ? you think the price of fuel is high now ? in 5 years it will be a lot more.