Obama Sets New Record for Regulations – 81,640 Pages in 2016


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ready to ask government permission to use the toilet?

November 17, 2016

By: Joseph Jankowski | PlanetFreeWill.com

The Obama Administration has just shattered the previous record for pages of regulations and rules published by the Federal Register in a single year.

According to a report by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Obama’s presidency produced 81,640 total pages of regulations and rules for 2016, surpassing the previous record the administration set in 2010 by 235 pages.


Obama is the only president to ever surpass the 80,000 mark of regulatory pages produced in a year, achieving the feat four times.

President Obama’s Federal Registeradded 572 pages on Thursday (Nov. 17) alone!

Clyde Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute warns that Obama’s manufacturing of regulations is not over. With the amount of time left in the year, the current pace of rule passage could bring many thousands of more pages.

“No one knows what the future holds, but at a pace of well over 1,000 pages weekly, the Federal Register could easily top 90,000 pages this year. The simple algebra says that at the current pace we’ll add 11,190 pages over the next 44 days, to end 2016 at around 92,830 pages,” said CEI’s Wayne Crews.

“This is astonishing and should be of great concern, and intolerable, to policymakers.” Said Wayne Crews. “It is remarkable enough that the all-time record has been passed before Thanksgiving.”

Crews called on President-elect Donald Trump to make good on campaign promises and cut regulations.

“President-elect Donald Trump could take a page from President Reagan, who brought page counts down from Carter’s 73,258 to as low as 44,812. We don’t need a pen and phone, we need a meat axe,” he said.

Regulatory reform is going to be a major focus of the Trump administration, according to the President-elect’s transition website.

The Trump administration’s efforts to combat the regulatory state “will include a temporary moratorium on all new regulation, canceling overarching executive orders and a thorough review to identify and eliminate unnecessary regulations that kill jobs and bloat government.”

To put into perspective what type of effect the regulatory state has on the American economy, a 2014 report by the National Association of Manufacturers found that regulatory costs on all firms exceed $2 trillion annually and disproportionally affect small businesses.
Obama On Pace To Increase The Debt By Stunning $2.4 Trillion This Year

Nov 17, 2016 6:50 PM

Submitted by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com,

OK, this is pretty nuts.

According to data released by the Treasury Department yesterday, the US national debt has soared by a whopping $294 billion since the start of the 2017 fiscal year, just 45 days ago.

That’s an annualized increase of 14%.

So if they keep up this pace, the national debt will increase by $2.4 trillion this fiscal year, surpassing $21 trillion by next September.

It’s hard to believe how rapidly the debt is growing; debt growth is far outpacing the growth of the US economy… and there’s no way to pretend that this is good news.

That doesn’t stop leading economists from trying.

Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman says “debt is good” because the US economy has grown so much over the last 200 years despite not having been debt-free since 1835.

This kind of logic is astonishing.

Aside from a few anomalies like World War II and the American Civil War, debt levels over most of early American history were low.

100 years ago in 1916, US debt was about $3.6 billion; as a percentage of GDP (i.e. the size of the US economy), that was about 7%.

Today’s debt of $19,867,119,032,053.28 is actually bigger than the entire US economy at over 106% of GDP.

Yet in Krugman’s view, the fact that America prospered a century ago when the debt was 7% of GDP means that the nation will continue to prosper with a debt at 106% of GDP.

Amazingly enough, Krugman has been awarded our society’s most esteemed prize for intellectual achievement. It boggles the mind.

To be fair, there is such a thing as “good debt” versus “bad debt”, and it’s not difficult to distinguish between the two.

If you can borrow money at 5% in order to make a safe investment that has a 25% return, for example, that may very well qualify as “good debt”.

If you borrow money at 5%… or even 1%… and then squander the borrowed funds on useless trinkets, that’s clearly “bad debt”.

In 1803, the startup US government negotiated the Louisiana Purchase from France, a real estate acquisition that doubled the size of the US.

It was the mother of all distress sales. France was desperate for cash, and the administration of Thomas Jefferson negotiated a price that valued the land at around $15 million.

Adjusted for inflation to 2016 dollars, Thomas Jefferson paid about 40 cents per acre to acquire the land that comprises fifteen states and has generated trillions in economic activity.

Naturally the US government had to borrow money that year to conclude the Louisiana Purchase with France, so the national debt increased slightly in 1804.

But when you consider the extraordinary economic benefit of that purchase, it clearly qualifies as “good debt”.

Fast-forward to our modern era and we see that the debt is increasing by more than a trillion dollars each year.

What are the good citizens of the United States receiving in exchange for taking on so much debt?

It’s not like the government bought up half of Mexico or colonized Mars.

No, instead they wasted $2 billion on the Obamacare website, most of which went to a company whose top executive just happens to be an old friend of Michelle Obama.

Today, the US government has to borrow money just to pay interest on the money it’s already borrowed. This is almost the textbook definition of bad debt…

In fact, the government now spends nearly all of its tax revenue just on mandatory entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare, plus interest on the debt.

The real kicker is that Social Security and Medicare are massively underfunded and quickly running out of cash… so they’ll both require a major bailout (i.e. MORE debt).

Interest payments, meanwhile, total hundreds of billions of dollars each year even though interest rates are at record lows.

Today the government pays less than 2% interest on its debt.

Ten years ago in 2006, the average interest rate on US debt was over 5%.

Back then 5% was considered incredibly low compared to the higher interest rates of the 1980s and 1990s.

But today, 5% would bankrupt the US government. It’s pitiful.

So unless interest rates stay at these record lows forever (or perhaps go negative), the government’s interest payments are going to explode.

Debt… particularly bad debt… is an absolute killer.

Excess debt has been responsible for bringing down some of the largest companies in the world. It bankrupts individuals.

And excess debt has caused the decline of some of the largest superpowers in the history of the world.

There are a lot of people, led by their cheerleader Paul Krugman, who outright ignore this problem and pretend that the US government can continue expanding its debt forever without ever suffering a single consequence.

And I know there are a lot of people keeping their fingers crossed hoping that a new administration will steer the ship in the right direction.

Look, I’m all for hope and optimism.

But it’s important to stay rational. These problems aren’t going away.

And you won’t be worse off for having a Plan B that provides solid protection from the consequences of these obvious trends.

Do you have a Plan B?
let's see...homelessness way down, wages up, incomes up, poverty down, stock market at record highs, unemployment way down, lowest number of unemployment claims in 4 decades, deficit way down, revenues way up, dollar strong, inflation low, cats and dogs getting along...

thanks, obama. regulations clearly work.
let's see...homelessness way down, wages up, incomes up, poverty down, stock market at record highs, unemployment way down, lowest number of unemployment claims in 4 decades, deficit way down, revenues way up, dollar strong, inflation low, cats and dogs getting along...

thanks, obama. regulations clearly work.
The funny thing is with the exception of two years excluded, it's a new record every year...

Which it would be since it seems to be cumulative.
let's see...homelessness way down, wages up, incomes up, poverty down, stock market at record highs, unemployment way down, lowest number of unemployment claims in 4 decades, deficit way down, revenues way up, dollar strong, inflation low, cats and dogs getting along...

thanks, obama. regulations clearly work.
People don't understand the importance of regulations. I could destroy the world and people without regulations on how I use perchloroethylene/trichloroethylene, or other solvents in the cleaners.
Obama talked a lot of crap about Trump,...then almost as fast as Hillary, jumped ship and left the table wondering.

If Hillary is second in popular votes ever, that makes Trump third and only second didn`t become Presedent. Slicker than slick willy.
has nothing to do with what I said about regulations. How dumb are you oddball ? Die and give me your drum set
let's see...homelessness way down, wages up, incomes up, poverty down, stock market at record highs, unemployment way down, lowest number of unemployment claims in 4 decades, deficit way down, revenues way up, dollar strong, inflation low, cats and dogs getting along...

thanks, obama. regulations clearly work.

Homelessness way down? LOL! In your dreams. Unemployment is way up. Obama increased the debt from $8 trillion to $22 trillion just like his fellow warmongering NeoCons buddies the Bushes and Clintons.

Seems like you support more police state and endless regulations.